RFQ for "Support to arrange a full day National Action Plan (NAP) Workshop"

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Non-UNDP Project


General Condition for Services
Copy of contract




Event management Service for a National Consultation hosted by UN Women 


Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Expected date of Accomplishment

Any date between 5 to 9 August 2018 (Tentative)

Application Deadline

12 July 2018


Promoting women’s meaningful engagement within the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda is one of the key strategic priorities for UN Women in Bangladesh. For this reason, as UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) which was unanimously adopted in October 2000, stressed the importance of the equal participation and full involvement of women in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security, UN Women Bangladesh has collaborated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2017 and has been providing technical support to them for drafting the very first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.

As a part of the process, UN Women is going to organize a National Consultation with Civil Society Organizations and respective representatives from ministries to validate and finalize this National Action Plan. To ensure all logistics and technical support required to make this event a success, UN Women Bangladesh invites proposals from qualified Event Management Companies who have demonstrated experience in managing national and ministerial events.


Supporting UN Women to successfully plan and organize a National Consultation for validating and finalizing National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.


Representatives from the ministries, development partners, UN agencies, academia, civil society organizations. There will be approximately 80 participants.


consultation with respective unit, the Contractor will be required to deliver the following services

Before the event:

  • Meeting space reservations, including set-up and layout from the following United Nations Department for Safety and Security (UNDSS) cleared venues :
    • Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC)
    • Pan Pacific Sonargaon
    • UNDSS cleared five-star hotel (upon further discussion with the respective unit of UN Women)
  • Design and development of
    • Invitation cards with envelops : Size, text and color to be approved by UN Women
    • ‘Informational welcome packets’: 100 folders containing notebook, pen, a pendrive and handouts


  • Four color print
  • 300 gsm Art Card with Matt lamination
  • Inner side 2 pocket, pocket thickness 5 mm, pocket creasing with auto machine
  • Size: 19 inch X 13 inch

Note Pad :

  • Inner 1 color print
  • 80 gsm offset paper
  • 50x2= 100 pages
  • Cover : 300 gsm Art Card
  • 4 color print with Matt lamination
  • Size : 9.5 inch X 7 inch


Top quality gel pens; design to be approved by UN Women


16 GB: Design to be approved by UN Women



  • Prepare and maintain a database of guests (Name, Contact details with Mobile No. and Email address) in consultation with UN Women
  • Ensure timely distribution and receipt of invitation cards to the guests, at least 10 days before the event.
  • At least a day before the event, the contractor has to review in detail and confirm the following things to UN Women :
    • Overall set up, both in & outside of the hall
    • AV equipment
    • Food menu
    • Security

During the event :

  • Manage catering numbers effectively, maximizing value and minimizing wastage during the event
  • Audiovisual coordination including projectors, projection screens, microphones and sound system
  • Registration service at the venue including collection of business cards from the guests
  • Distribution of Informational welcome packets during registration
  • Directional signage for guests
  • Effective documentation/Note taking by at least 2 persons
  • Ensure availability of translation booth and sufficient number of translation equipment (at least 50) with 1 or 2 professional interpreters (Bangla – English) during the event
  • Produce a ‘Press release’ for print and electronic media to be approved by UN Women

After the event :

  • All notes collected-as soon as the event closes
  • One final report on delivered services and highlights from the event-within 2 working days
  • One single itemized invoice for all services-within 2 working days


UN Women Bangladesh has overall management of the work of the contractor. Under the overall supervision and direct consultation with the team, the contractor is expected to deliver quality outputs.


The event management company are required to deliver the following :



Organize Workshop :

NAP workshop in Dhaka with 80 participants in consultation with un women and MoFA at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Radisson Blu, BICC have organize venue.

Arrange Food and refreshments : One lunch and two times tea & coffee with snacks

Morning Snacks : Tea/Coffee ; fried item (Chicken or vegetable), two cookies at 11.00 am

Afternoon Snacks : Tea/Coffee ; one plain cake at 4.00 pm

Lunch : Standard Bengali Set Menu/Buffet (Polao/Plain rice, Kabab, Fish (Hilsha fried), Meat curry (beef, deshi chicken & mutton), Mixed vegetables, Mixed fruit salad & desert yoghurt or firni ; 500 ml water bottle. 

Note : Additional water and juice/cold drinks to be provided at the buffet counter during lunch.

Providing multi Media/Screen/PA/sound system

500 ml water bottle for each participant on the table.

Decorate venue with banner and other visibility materials prior to the event (banner in Square feet with graphic design)

9 August 2018


Invitation Card with envelop and banner:

Design and distribute invitation cards for the participants; specification mentioned above

Design Banner for the event (minimum standard size 9/5’)

20 July 2018

Visibility Materials (As per specification mentioned above): 100 sets

Print Folders, notebook, pen-drive and pen as per design of “Empowered Women Peaceful Communities”

20 July 2018

Logistic Support

Organize food and refreshment

Provide a reception desk during the event.

AV Equipment

Translation booth and sufficient number of translation equipment (at least 50) with 1 or 2 professional interpreters (Bangla – English) during the event

Produce a ‘Press release’ for print and electronic media to be approved by UN Women

9 August 2018 (Tentative)


All notes and a detailed report after the event


15 August 2018


The media firm will be required to have ;

  • 5-10 years relevant expertise of planning and implementing similar events at scale. Demonstrated capacity and expertise to execute the activities, including availability of equipment, contacts and experience of undertaking similar assignments.
  • Extensive experience in managing events for Ministerial level, UN organizations/for development organizations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences.
  • Experience in working with international organizations and /or international donor and NGOs might be preferred.
  • Well-developed design and plan for executing the event. This includes the approach to event management, the timeline from appointment to the event, critical milestones, dependencies, lines of communications etc.
  • Relevant work experience and qualifications of key personnel / senior staff to conduct the proposed project ; and the proposed management and team structure.
  • A well developed, detailed, budget for the services of the Vendor relevant to event management, such as venue, catering, AV equipment, security, etc. Value for money will be an important consideration in the evaluation of the proposed budget, and therefore Vendors are strongly encouraged to provide as much detail in their proposal as they can.


20 July to 10 August 2018


UN Women will reserve the copyright of all produced materials and should be permitted to use them without a time limit.


The firm payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this assignment.

(Entire payment will be processed upon submission of prefixed deliverables and final report).

The details of payment schedule given below :

  • 100% payment after completion of inception workshop as per contract
  • Actual bill, voucher has to be submitted along with invoice, attendance sheet for the payment.


Quotations will be evaluated based on UN Women Lowest-Price, Technically Compliant passed/failed methods. The contract will be awarded to the firm that meets the requirements and provided the lowest price.


Interested companies should submit a quotation in response to the TOR, which should be as per the following instruction :

  • Courier by 12 July 2018, the latest
  • Quotation with breakdown of différent budget lines to
  • Company profile and samples of relevant products/ projects in the last 3 years (Name of
  • Project/ Clients, Project size/ amount in BDT, Project Duration)
  • Three references with full recent contact details