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Final Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Project in Egypt
Procurement Process :Other
Office :UNDP Country Office - EGYPT
Deadline :23-Jul-18
Posted on :09-Jul-18
Reference Number :47880
Link to Atlas Project :
00060162 - ImprovingEnergyEfficiency ofLighting&Building Appliances
Documents :
TE Terms of Reference
Overview :


In accordance with UNDP and GEF M&E policies and procedures, all full and medium-sized UNDP support GEF financed projects are required to undergo a terminal evaluation upon completion of implementation. These terms of reference (TOR) sets out the expectations for a Terminal Evaluation (TE) of Improving the energy efficiency of lighting and other building appliances (PIMS 4231).

Objective and Scope

The objective of the project is to facilitate a comprehensive market transformation of the Egyptian market towards the use of more energy efficient electrical appliances at a level where cost-efficiency is proven. This is envisaged to be achieved through the combination of regulatory tools such as minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and information labels, enhanced public awareness, capacity building and attractive financing mechanisms. The project will strengthen the regulatory and institutional framework, develop monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, and provide training to public authorities and other relevant stakeholders. It will explore and test different financial incentives complemented by extensive public outreach campaigns.

The TE will be conducted according to the guidance, rules and procedures established by UNDP and GEF as reflected in the UNDP Evaluation Guidance for GEF Financed Projects.  

The objectives of the evaluation are to assess the achievement of project results, and to draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project, and aid in the overall enhancement of UNDP programming.  

Evaluation approach and method

An overall approach and method[1] for conducting project terminal evaluations of UNDP supported GEF financed projects has developed over time. The evaluator is expected to frame the evaluation effort using the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact, as defined and explained in the UNDP Guidance for Conducting Terminal Evaluations of UNDP-supported, GEF-financed Projects.  A set of indicative questions covering each of these criteria have been drafted and are included with this TOR (see Annex C). The evaluator is expected to amend, complete and submit this matrix as part of an evaluation inception report, and shall include it as an annex to the final report. 

The evaluation must provide evidence‐based information that is credible, reliable and useful. The evaluator is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with government counterparts, in particular the GEF operational focal point, UNDP Country Office, project team, UNDP GEF Technical Adviser based in the region and key stakeholders. The evaluator is expected to conduct a field mission to Egypt including the following project sites in Greater Cairo. Interviews will be held with the following organizations and individuals at a minimum:

  • Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy
  • UNDP
  • Egyptian Organization for Standardization
  • General Organization for Import and Export Control
  • New and Renewable Energy Authority
  • Selected public and private Sector beneficiaries
  • Selected LED and home appliances suppliers

The evaluator will review all relevant sources of information, such as the project document, project reports – including Annual APR/PIR, project budget revisions, midterm review, progress reports, GEF focal area tracking tools, project files, national strategic and legal documents, and any other materials that the evaluator considers useful for this evidence-based assessment. A list of documents that the project team will provide to the evaluator for review is included in Annex B of this Terms of Reference.

Evaluation Criteria & Ratings

An assessment of project performance will be carried out, based against expectations set out in the Project Logical Framework/Results Framework (see  Annex A), which provides performance and impact indicators for project implementation along with their corresponding means of verification. The evaluation will at a minimum cover the criteria of: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. Ratings must be provided on the following performance criteria. The completed table must be included in the evaluation executive summary. The obligatory rating scales are included in  Annex D.


Project finance / cofinance

The Evaluation will assess the key financial aspects of the project, including the extent of co-financing planned and realized. Project cost and funding data will be required, including annual expenditures.  Variances between planned and actual expenditures will need to be assessed and explained.  Results from recent financial audits, as available, should be taken into consideration. The evaluator(s) will receive assistance from the Country Office (CO) and Project Team to obtain financial data in order to complete the co-financing table below, which will be included in the terminal evaluation report. 


UNDP supported GEF financed projects are key components in UNDP country programming, as well as regional and global programmes. The evaluation will assess the extent to which the project was successfully mainstreamed with other UNDP priorities, including poverty alleviation, improved governance, the prevention and recovery from natural disasters, and gender.


The evaluators will assess the extent to which the project is achieving impacts or progressing towards the achievement of impacts. Key findings that should be brought out in the evaluations include whether the project has demonstrated: a) verifiable improvements in ecological status, b) verifiable reductions in stress on ecological systems, and/or c) demonstrated progress towards these impact achievements.[1]

Conclusions, recommendations & lessons

The evaluation report must include a chapter providing a set of conclusions, recommendations and lessons

Implementation arrangements

The principal responsibility for managing this evaluation resides with the UNDP CO in Egypt. The UNDP CO will contract the evaluators and ensure the timely provision of Daily Subsistence Allowance and travel arrangements within the country for the evaluation team. The Project Team will be responsible for liaising with the Evaluators team to set up stakeholder interviews, arrange field visits, coordinate with the Government etc. 

Evaluation timeframe

The total duration of the evaluation will be 22 days according to the following plan:



Completion Date



4 days

1 October 2018


Evaluation Mission

7 days

1 November 2018


Draft Evaluation Report

9 days

30 November 2018


Final Report

2 days

31 December 2018


*When submitting the final evaluation report, the evaluator is required also to provide an 'audit trail', detailing how all received comments have (and have not) been addressed in the final evaluation report.

Team Composition

The evaluation team will be composed of one international evaluator.  The consultant shall have prior experience in evaluating similar climate change mitigation or energy efficiency projects.  Experience with GEF financed projects is an advantage. The evaluator selected should not have participated in the project preparation and/or implementation and should not have conflict of interest with project related activities.

The evaluator must present the following qualifications:

  • Advanced university degree in engineering, energy or related discipline (20%)
  • Minimum 7 years of relevant professional experience in the area of climate change mitigation (20%)
  • Familiar with UNDP, GEF and UNFCCC (5%)
  • Previous experience with results‐based monitoring and evaluation methodologies; (20%)
  • Good communication and analytical skills (5%)
  • Good command of English language, both written and spoken (20%)
  • Previous work experience in the region is an asset (5%)
  • Previous experience with gender-sensitive analysis (5%)

Evaluator Ethics

Evaluation consultants will be held to the highest ethical standards and are required to sign a Code of Conduct (Annex E) upon acceptance of the assignment. UNDP evaluations are conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the UNEG 'Ethical Guidelines for Evaluations'

Payment modalities and specifications




 Acceptance of Inception Report prior to the field visit


Following submission and approval of the 1ST draft terminal evaluation report


Following submission and approval (UNDP-CO and UNDP RTA) of the final terminal evaluation report

Application process

Applicants are requested to apply by 23 July 2018.  Individual consultants are invited to submit applications together with their CV for this position either online on UNDP website or by email to Ms. Heba Helmy, Environment Programme Assistant, UNDP Egypt  The application should contain a current and complete C.V. in English including the e‐mail and phone contact, together with a financial offer including a lumpsum for the fees excluding the travel costs that will be covered as per UNDP rules and regulations.

UNDP applies a fair and transparent selection process that will take into account the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals. Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.