View Notice

Procurement Process :EOI - Expression of interest
Office :Mozambique RBA - MOZAMBIQUE
Deadline :16-Aug-18
Posted on :08-Aug-18
Reference Number :48813
Link to Atlas Project :
00063829 - Support to develop the capacity for local HIV response
Documents :
Terms of Refence
Overview :

In Mozambique, HIV and AIDS constitutes a major challenge of public health and a threat for sustainable development. To address this challenge, the Government approved in 2015 the National strategic plan to fight HIV and AIDS IV (2015-2019), which has the following objectives: (i) reduce the incidence of HIV by sexual transmission in 50% by 2020; (ii) reduce the rate of vertical transmission of HIV to less than 5% by 2020; and (iii) reduce mortality related to HIV and AIDS in 49% until 2020.

National HIV estimates for the year 2017 shows that there were around 2.1 million people living with HIV, and during the same period about to 130,000 new infections have ocurried. The transmission rate was 14%. One of the major concerns of the Government, as part of the HIV and AIDS response in Mozambique, is to keep people alive. Indeed, the country witnessed over the past few years a considerable increase in the number of health facilities offering antiretroviral treatment, as well as in the number of people who benefit from this service. In 2017, around  1,292 health units were equipped and able to offer antiretroviral treatment and 1,115,096 people were in treatment. As a result of these and other efforts, it is estimated that the number of HIV-related deaths in 2017 declined and was about 70,000.

The prevalence of HIV among Mozambican adults aged 15-49 is 13.2% (2009 AIDS Indicator  Survey). Gaza Province has the highest prevalence rate among adults (25.1%) and Niassa has the lower (3.7%). The INSIDA report also revealed that HIV prevalence is higher in urban areas than in rural areas. In terms of gender, the INSIDA report reveals an increase in the feminization of HIV with the rate of infection among women higher comparing to men (13.1% and 9.2%, respectively). In Sofala, the prevalence among young women is almost five times higher than men of similar age, and in Gaza it is almost six times higher. Gender inequalities are the basis of both violence against women and increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Unequal power relationships play a role by influencing risky sexual behaviors and help perpetuate  violence against women and girls.

In 2017 the National AIDS Council developed a National M&E plan aiming to inform and to monitor the national response, against the target defined  in the NSP IV. The M&E national plan, is a national document of reference that provides de guidelines for monitoring the implementation on NSP IV.  The dpcument has a multisectorial character and also has the main objective to combine the biomedical and the non-biomedical HIV and AIDS response.  Aiming to improve the implementation of M&E National Plan and the respective M&E are, NAC would like to recruit a technical assistance.

Application: 80324