89077_Feasibility Study for a Global Volunteering Index

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Non-UNDP Project


Annex-2 Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability
Annex-3 General Terms and Conditions for an IC
Annex-1 TOR_Feasibility Study for a Global Volunteering Index
Addendum-1 Extension of deadline


UNV Bonn, Germany intends to hire International Consultant for provision of Feasibility study for a Global Volunteering Index. 

Under the overall guidance of the Policy Specialist, the Report Consultant (hereafter ‘consultant’) will conduct background research and provide assessment of 5 options for a Global Volunteering Index to be produced for the State of the World’s Volunteerism Report 2021.

Interested individuals are invited to submit their Offers as per below instruction: 

  1. Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address: procurement@unv.org, no later than 3 September 2018, @17:00 hours (ECT Time).
  2. Specify the Procurement Notice Number (89077_Feasibilty Study Consultant) in the e-mail subject header.
  3. Any request for clarification must be sent to: procurement@unv.org attention Siham Abdelhakam with (89077_Feasibilty Study Consultant) in the subject line.
  4. Response to clarifications will be post in this website (without identifying the source of the inquiry).
  5. Documents to be included when submitting the Proposal:

·         Signed Template Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal (Please use Annex-2)

·         Proposal document describing the methodology and the approach to completing the required deliverables as well as outlining the major components for implementation.

·         Samples of top 5 previously prepared publications and reports relevant to the technical evaluation criteria below (attached in pdf format document)

·        CV, latest personal CV, including experience from similar projects, and email, telephone and any other contact details for references.

Note: -

A.      Financial proposal:

The Financial proposal will specify each price component separately. A breakdown of this total amount (including travel, per diems) is to be provided by offeror in Annex-1.

The lump sum/contract price is fixed regardless of subsequent changes in the cost components.

The lump sum amount must be “all-inclusive” All costs (professional fees, travel/transportation costs, living allowances, communications, consumables, etc) required to perform the demands of the TOR must be incorporated in the financial proposal, whether the fees are expressed as daily fees or lump sum amount. Is to be provided by the Offeror – Annex-2

B.      Travel Costs:

All envisaged travel as per the ToR shall be included in the financial offer Annex-1.

In case of unforeseen travel during the contractual period, payment of travel costs including tickets, accommodation and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the Project Manager and the Individual Consultant, prior to travel.

C.      General Terms and Conditions for an IC. Annex-3, for your reference