Recruitment of National Consultant ENT Specialist - ref: ETH-IC-2018-049

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Non-UNDP Project


ETH-IC-2018-048 ENT Specialist Proposal Applicaiton Form
ETH-IC-2018-048 ENT Specialist ToR
Personal History form to be filled by applicants


This post deadline is extended from 13 September to 30 September 2018 5:00PM (GMT +3) AddisAbaba Local Time.

Dear Sir / Madam:

UNDP- Ethiopia on behalf of UNHCC/UNECA would like to hire ENT Specialist National Consultant.

APPLICATION INSTRUCTION for ETH-IC-2018-049 National Consultant ENT Specialist

  • Strictly follow the instructions indicated in the IC Proposal Submission Form uploaded hereto.
  • Group of Individuals and/or Firms are not eligible for this consultancy assignment (open only for individual consultant).


The following proposals must be prepared as per the IC Proposal Submission Instructions. The Proposal shall be submitted before application deadline 30 September 2018 05:00PM Addis Ababa Local Time via UNDP Ethiopia Secured mail address:

  • Technical Proposal in pdf under file name: ETH-IC-2018-049 –  National Consultant ENT Specialist - [insert your name]

NoteSubmission of the mandatory documents:

- CV

- P11

- Professional certificates 

- License to practice and

- At least three references 

Please note that the proposal shall be submitted to the designated secured email into one email and the files cannot be Greater than 9MB file size


  • Failing to submit anyone of the documents stated above will automatically disqualify the candidate from further technical evaluation;
  • Those prospect consultants who fail to submit the stated documents as per the IC Proposal Submission Form and to the designated secured email will not be further considered for evaluation.


While submitting your proposals to be sure your email subject line is ETH-IC-2018-049-National Consultant ENT Specialist