RFP: Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Wetlands Restoration Project

Link to Atlas Project

00092244 - Climate Change Resilience and DRR


RFP: Environmental Impact Assessment
Annex 3


The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) developed a project titled ‘Building resilient communities, wetland ecosystems and associated catchments in Uganda”. The Project is jointly financed by the Ministry of Water and Environment, Green Climate Fund (GCF) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The Project aims to address and consider climate change issues when managing critical wetland areas. Project activities were developed to specifically respond to and take into account specific climate-related impacts and vulnerabilities of wetland ecosystems. The project is covers a total of 20 districts, 10 each in eastern and south-western Uganda.

Several barriers prevent Uganda from sustaining resilient wetland ecosystems and associated livelihoods, including: 1) limited technical knowledge on the agro-ecological and hydrological systems of the wetlands; 2) insufficient extension services for resilient agriculture and livelihoods, and 3) inadequate climate information and early warning systems.

It’s against this background that UNDP Uganda kindly requests the submission of proposals for "RFP - Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Wetlands Restoration Project " as per the detailed requirements of this RFP (attached as PDF document). When preparing your proposal, please be guided by the forms attached hereto as Annex of which a Microsoft Word copy is attached for you convenience.

Proposals may be submitted on or before 25th  September 2018, 12:00 Hours East African Time by following the submission instructions detailed in the solicitation document (RFP).

NOTE Deadline has been extended to 9th October 2018