National Legal Experts ( 3 Positions) Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development

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00082691 - Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development


Procurement Notice and TOR
Letter of Confirmation of Interest


Liberia’s natural resources continue to be a major source of hope for inclusive economic growth and development, as well as social transformation. The management of these natural resources, however, has come under scrutiny through the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) concessionaires, whose operations were meant to generate employment and stimulate local economy.   The sobering reality however is that concessions have not lived up to the expectations of the key stakeholders – the Government of Liberia, the investors, and the Project Affected Communities (PACs). While the decline in global commodity prices since 2011 has undermined revenues, progress in developing some of the concessions has been slow, particularly in the agriculture sector. Expected contributions to tax revenue and royalties from the investments have not been realized and local/community development spin-offs have not been delivered. Alongside these challenges, land concession conflicts and labour disputes associated with concessions continue to be a key driver of conflict. 

It is in view of the foregoing that potential Nationals with requisite qualifications are requested to review the attached TOR and submit their offers, before or by  the established deadline (10 October, 2018) through the following e-mail address: , indicating the procurement notice reference ( REF. UNDP/EISD/PN/50182/2018) as provided  for  in the  attached  document.   Applicants must also provide necessary and relevant information  expressing their interest and confirmation  through the attached form.