03 NCs for Diagnostic survey on legal understanding and awareness of vulnerable groups on their rights and responsibilities relating to civil status registration in 03 selected mountainous and remote provinces (A-181005)

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Non-UNDP Project


Procurement Notice
Annex IV
Annex V


UNDP Vietnam is seeking for 03 National Consultant on diagnostic survey on legal understanding and awareness of vulnerable groups on their rights and responsibilities relating to civil status registration in 03 selected mountainous and remote provinces

  • Team leader (25 Working days)
  • Senior legal expert (22 Working days)
  • Legal expert (22 Working days)

The key objectives of the assignment are:

1. To study of legal documents, reports and field survey to assess the current situation of civil status registration of vulnerable groups (including ethnic minorities, poor people, people with disability, women), understanding and awareness of the rights and responsibilities in civil status registration of these groups; to identify the barriers to exercise the rights and responsibilities on civil status registration of these groups.

2. To collect and analyze data through the study of legal documents, reports and field survey to assess gaps of the current civil status registration service, legal dissemination on the rights and responsibilities in civil status registration, especially with the vulnerable groups.

3. To provide recommendations for institutional solutions, short-term and long-term solutions to improve conditions to ensure access and rights of civil status registration of the vulnerable groups as well as awareness of these people about their rights and responsibilities in civil status registration.

Interested offerors are invited to submit Technical Proposal, Letter to UNDP confirming Interest and Availability, CVs, financial proposals and other information following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:


Procurement Unit

UNDP Viet Nam

304 Kim Ma, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Tel: (+84 24) 38500100

Direct: (+84 24) 38500143

Email: quach.thuy.ha@undp.org


with notification by email (without attachment) to: procurement.vn@undp.org that the bidder has submitted proposal.


UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.

Deadline for Submission: Thursday 1 November  2018

We look forward to receiving your proposal by the above deadline.