Two (2) Project Development Officers III (For Filipino Consultants only)

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00107421 - Support to Peacebuilding and Normalization Programme


2018 Individual Contract_Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability
P11 - Personal History Form
General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contractors


Terms of Reference (TOR)

Peace Program Officers / Project Development Officers (III) (2 positions) to provide Technical Support to the JNC Secretariat (Security Aspect of the Normalization Program)

A.Project Title:      Technical Support to JNC and JPSC activities

B.Project Description 

One of the key documents that form part of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro peace process is the Annex on Normalization signed on 25 January 2014 between the GPH and MILF. The document defined normalization as “the process whereby communities can achieve their desired quality of life which includes the pursuit of sustainable livelihood and political participation within a peaceful, deliberative society.” Normalization is the transition phase prior to the establishment of the Bangsamoro government wherein combatants and conflict-affected communities are anticipated to be transformed to productive citizens and peaceful societies.

One of the components of the normalization program is the establishment of transitional mechanisms to ensure the effective security collaboration during the transition period. The Joint Normalization Committee (JNC), one of the transitional mechanisms created under the Annex on Normalization, is mandated to coordinate the entire normalization process. Its objective is to establish a functional system and effective mechanisms for coordinating all components of the Normalization Program. The JNC is assisted by a Secretariat.

The JNC Secretariat doubly acts as Secretariat to the Joint Peace and Security Committee (JPSC). The JNC/JPSC Secretariat largely supports all activities of the Transitional Components of the norm program as well as the establishment and setting up of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for the entire norm process.

The heightened implementation of the normalization program following the passage of the BOL necessitates the engagement of complementary personnel who will provide administrative, logistical, and technical support to the JNC/JPSC Secretariat.

Funding support will be provided through the GPH-UNDP Support to Peacebuilding and Normalization (SPAN) Programme, through its component ‘Support to the Implementation of the Security Aspect of Normalization”. SPAN is a partnership between the Philippine Government and UNDP in the Philippines. It is intended to accelerate the utilization of project funds of the Philippine government through the assistance of UNDP. It aims to contribute towards sustaining the gains of the Government’s peace process and ensuring peace and security in conflict-affected areas, through accelerating the implementation of the security and socio-economic aspects of the Normalization Annex of the GPH-MILF CAB, and strengthening the enabling environment for peace, recovery, and development.

C.Scope of Work / Expected Outputs and Deliverables

Under the direct supervision of the JNC-GPH Secretariat Head and UNDP SPAN Program Manager, the Project Development Officer III is expected to provide administrative and logistical support to the JNC and JPSC Secretariat.

Specifically, the Project Development Officer (III) is expected to do the following:

  1. Undertake coordination of activities related to the Security Aspect of the Normalization Program
  2. Research on existing practices and prepare proposals (TWGs, SALWs program, diverse and appropriate approaches for the disbandment of PAGs, etc)
  3. Coordinate with appropriate agencies for the implementation of interventions on the norm program
  4. Coordinate with AFP, PNP MILF, other stakeholders, offices and agencies on the implementation of the Norm Program
  5. Prepare presentations, briefers as needed
  6. Able to draw up work plans and project proposals.
  7. Attend meetings as needed
  8. Undertake other tasks as required by the Director IV

D.Expected Outputs and Deliverables

The Project Development Officer (III) is expected to submit a summary of activities and monthly accomplishment report for approval of the JNC-GPH Secretariat Head and UNDP SPAN Project Manager, with the corresponding due dates and review//approving authority. Each payment shall be made within two weeks after the receipt of the approved summary of activities and monthly accomplishment 

Deliverables / Outputs

Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates

Reviews and Approvals Required

Summary of activities and monthly accomplishment report (November 2018)

1 month

November 20, 2018


UNDP SPAN Project Manager

Summary of activities and monthly accomplishment report (December 2018)

1 month

December 20, 2018

E.Institutional Arrangement

The service provider will be reporting directly to the JNC-GPH Secretariat Head and UNDP Program Manager and will be coordinating with OPAPP, JNC, JPSC, MILF, UNDP, stakeholders, LGUs, offices, agencies, etc involved in the implementation of the Normalization Program.

F. Duration of the Work

2 months (November-December 2018) 

G.  Duty Station

Manila. Only professional fees will be covered by the contract. Other costs related to the fulfillment of the tasks (supplies, communication, travel and training costs) shall be charged to UNDP-SPAN Programme at actual costs.

H.  Qualifications of the Successful Individual Contractor


Points Obtainable

(100 points)


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Political Science or any related field.





  • Minimum of 3 years of experience working with/in the government / non-government sectors, especially its programs and projects
  • at least 3 months Experience working with rural development projects/programs and with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
  • He / She must have an extensive background, experience and appreciation of the peace and conflict dynamics, especially in Mindanao
  • Experience in the usage of computer and office software package (MS Word, Excel, etc )









  • Strong communication skills in English and Filipino

(Knowledge of local dialect in BARMM areas is an asset)




I. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

The outputs of the Project Development Officer III shall be submitted to the SPAN Project Manager and endorsed to the Team Leader of the Resilience and Peace Building Unit (UNDP) for payment processing


% of trance payment

Indicative date

Upon submission and acceptance of summary of activities and monthly accomplishment report (November 2018)


November 20, 2018

Upon submission and acceptance of summary of activities and monthly accomplishment report (December 2018)


December 20, 2018

J. Recommended Presentation of Offer

Interested parties are required to submit the following:

(1)      Curriculum vitae indicating educational background, relevant work experiences, skills and competencies, and other qualifications related to the post

(2)      Financial proposal indicating proposed professional fees (Offeror's Letter)

K.  Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

Combined Scoring method – qualifications and methodology will be weighted a max. of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%

Application Requirements:

The following documents may be requested:

  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability (Financial Proposal Template)  - indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided by UNDP;
  • Personal Curriculum Vitae, indicating all past experiences from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephonenumber) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a methodology, if applicable, on how they will approach and complete the assignment.

Application requirements should be emailed to and on or before 05 November 2018.

Attachments in this link:

  • Financial Proposal Template and P11 Personal Histiory Template
  • Terms of Reference
  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability (Financial Proposal Template)

In view of the volume of applications UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.