1 National Consultant (Liberia) Evaluation of "Cross-border Cooperation Project between Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia for Sustainable Peace and Social Cohesion"UNDP/LBR/BSP/039/2018

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00102602 - Cross Border coorporation Btw Côte d’Ivoire & Liberia


Letter of offer & Availability
IC Terms & Condition



Date: 05 November  2018

Country: Liberia

Duty Station: Abidjan and Monrovia with missions in project areas including the departments of Tabou    and Taï (Cote d’Ivoire), and Maryland and River Gee (Liberia).

Description of the assignment:  Evaluation of "Cross-Border Cooperation Project between Côte D'ivoire and Liberia for Sustainable Peace and Social Cohesion"

Project Name: "Cross-Border Cooperation Project”


Duration of Contract:

60 days

Expected Duration of Assignment:

22 working days

Starting date: 26 November 2018

Contract type: Individual Contractor (National Consultant)

Application Deadline:     Friday, 9 November. 2018

Languages Required : English

Proposals should be submitted at the following address: by email to bids.lr@undp.org (Please include procurement notice number in the subject area) no later than Friday, 09 November  2018 at 3:00 PM (GMT).  Any request for clarification must be sent by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated below: info.lr.procurement@undp.org

UNDP will respond by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

After decades of civil crisis and war, and in response to situations of conflict and instability, the United Nations established peacekeeping operations in Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire that work closely with United Nations Country Teams through which, significant support has been provided to the people with funding from the Peace Building Fund (PBF). Both countries receive support from the PBF through the Peacebuilding Recovery Financing Facility (PRF).


The drawdown of UNMIL and the transfer of responsibilities to the Liberian Government to assume full responsibility for national security became effective on 30th June 2016, in accordance with Security Council resolution 2239 (2015). UNMIL activities and the programs funded by the PBF have been particularly important in reducing tensions and incidents of violence in communities along the border between Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia. These communities share many socio-economic and cultural ties, so threats to peace and security in one country have an impact on the development of the other country. In addition, in March 2014, the emergence and spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Liberia and Guinea led to the closure of the international land borders between the two neighboring countries (Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire). The closure of the border has had a significant impact on social cohesion within and between border communities, which undermines the steady flow of people and goods; it has also contributed to the impoverishment of Liberian border communities