Repackaging, shipment and safe disposal of about 36,000 (667 ton) Cathode Ray Tube Monitors at Egyptian Ports

Link to Atlas Project

00078201 - Protect human health from Persistent Organic Pollutants


RFP-Safe disposal of CRTs at Egypt ports


A. Project Background

Protect human health and the environment from unintentional releases of POPs originating from incineration and open burning of health care- and electronic waste (MEWM project).

Required Service:

Repackaging, shipment and safe disposal of about 36000 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors (667 ton) at Alexandria, Dekheila, Damietta, Port Said, Suez, Safaga and Aswan ports.

B. Project Description
The Protect human health and the environment from unintentional releases of POPs originating from incineration and open burning of health care- and electronic waste”. project is Implemented by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project objective is to prevent and reduce health and environmental risks related to POPs and harmful chemicals through their release reduction achieved by provision of an integrated institutional and regulatory framework covering environmentally sound Health Care Waste and E-waste management. The project will reduce emissions of Unintentional POPs (UPOPs) as well as other hazardous releases (e.g. mercury, lead, etc.) resulting from the unsound management, disposal and recycling of a) Health-Care Waste (HCW), in particular due to substandard incineration practice and open burning of HCW; and, b) Electronic Waste (EW), in particular due to the practice of unsound collection and recycling activities and open burning of electronic waste.
The project will achieve this by: i) determining the baseline for releases of UPOPs and other hazardous substances (e.g. mercury, lead) resulting from unsound HCW and E-waste practices; ii) conducting facility assessments; iii) building capacity among key stakeholders; iv) implementing BEP at selected model hospitals, health-care facilities (HCFs) and a central treatment facility (CTF); v) introducing BAT and BEP to formal and informal E-waste processors; vi) preparing health care facilities for the use/maintenance of non-mercury devices followed by introduction of mercury-free devices; vii) evaluating facilities to ensure that they have successfully implemented BEP; viii) installing and evaluating BAT technology(ies) at one Central Treatment Facility based on a defined evaluation criteria; and, xi) enhancing national HCWM training opportunities to reach out to additional hospitals/HCFs.

The project aims to support the disposal of a large number (about 36000 of Cathode Ray Tubes Monitors (667 ton) (of hazardous characteristics) stored at seven Egyptian ports namely: Alexandria, Dekheila, Damietta, Port Said, Suez, Safaga and Aswan ports. List detailing the stored goods average quantities, average weight, storage conditions, legal status, size and site locations are annexed to the TOR). The existence of these CRTs is posing a high risk to the staff working in these ports; especially that the ownership of most of them is difficult to identify. Most of these CRTs have been in the custody of the above mentioned Ports Authorities for years. The “Protect Human health and the environment from unintentional releases of POPs originating from incineration and open burning of health care- and electronic waste” Project is seeking contractors to conduct the repackaging, export and proper disposal of these goods.

C. Scope of Services, Expected Outputs and Target Completion
Scope of Services

1- Get Acquainted with all National and International legislation, standards and norms applicable to the works activities including but not limited to:

  • Egyptian Environmental Law 4/1994 and Law 9/2009 and its executive regulation governing the handling and transport requirements of the Hazardous Waste
  • Egyptian Labor Law No. 12/2003 - application of the Executive Regulation articles governing the workplace quality and the safety of worker during handling hazardous waste
  • The terms and requirements of International Conventions and Agreements such as Basel Convention, which governs the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal movement of hazardous waste.
  • The most recent editions of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) and ADR regulations (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

2- Development of full EIA study (Scope C) in Arabic language by an EEAA accredited environmental consultant / firm (list of accredited consultant can be found under the following link and secure the EIA approval from EEAA before the execution of the service.
3- Fully comply with all EIA developed plans and requirements such as. Emergency Management Plan (EMP), health & safety, mitigation measures, Training) during the whole service execution period.
4- Provide all personnel, equipment, tools, repacking materials etc. required for the repackaging and transportation operation.
5- Site Preparation and management
6- Classify the waste for the appropriate repackaging and final disposal.
7- Repackage the waste to ensure safe transport to the final disposal destination and loading of waste into Shipping Cargo Units (SCUs) of 20 & 40 standard cubic feet size for shipment overseas
8- Maintain a logbook of the location and type of waste waiting to be transported to the final disposal
9- Complete all necessary documentation and procedures for export of hazardous wastes as per Basel Convention requirements including the detailed Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure and place all financial guarantees with the competent authority of destination and transit on behalf of the Government and their designated agencies involved. (The Egyptian Custom Authority will act as the Notifier on behalf of the government).
10- Load, transport and trans-frontier of the repackaged waste to the final disposal destination(s)
11- Produce a short documentary film demonstration the whole service starting from site preparation until final disposal.
12- Prepare final report and power point presentation containing a full documentary and photos of the Services in hard and electronic format.

D. Institutional Arrangement
The PMU of the MEWM project will directly supervise the work of the contractor, and the Service Provider who will be directly responsible for reporting to, seeking approval from, and obtaining certificate of acceptance of output from the Project Manager of MEWM project.
The owner of the waste is the Customs General Authority which will be the notifier.
Security clearance and permits is required for the execution of the Work and to obtain site access. This matter should take approximately 1 month to complete and may the contractor be asked to replace some of the working team

E. Duration of the Work
The expected duration of the services is eight calendar months starts from the signing of the contract.

F. Location of Work
The waste is in the custody of seven ports. Detailed Description of Each Site is annexed.

G. Qualifications of the Key Personnel
General experience

The waste (CRTs) located at the Sites is regarded as being toxic to humans. The Bidder shall therefore include staff members in his team who have considerable experience with repackaging of hazardous materials including heavy metals and POPs chemical waste (potentially existing).
Key Personnel

H. A pre-proposal conference will be held followed by site visits on:

Date: 2nd-5th December 2018
Note: proposers whom would like to join the pre-proposal conference and site visits should submit a photocopy of their passport attached with the letter of acknowledgment for security clearance.

Venue: Medical and Electronic Waste Management ProjectAddress: Borg Al Hadara #12 S – Flat #13 Madinat Al Fostat Al Gedida – Al Megawra #2 Hadekat Al Fostat St. – Misr El-Kadima, Cairo – Egypt.
The Project focal point for the arrangement is:
[Dr. Tarek El-Araby]
[Project manager]
[fax # 02 27429569]
email address:, :,
cc: email address:;]
Telephone: + 202 27429569

Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications/ questions
10 working days before the submission date.

Contact Details for submitting clarifications/questions
Focal Person in the Project: [DR. Tarek El-Araby] [project manager]
Address: Medical and Electronic Waste Management ProjectAddress: Borg Al Hadara #12 S – Flat #13 Madinat Al Fostat Al Gedida – Al Megawra #2 Hadekat Al Fostat St. – Misr El-Kadima, Cairo – Egypt.
[fax # 02 27429569
email address:, :,
email address:;]
Telephone: + 202 27429569


The Financial Proposal and the Technical Proposal Envelopes MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and each of them must be submitted sealedindividually and clearly marked on the outside as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”, as appropriate. Each envelope MUST clearly indicate the name of the Proposer. The outer envelopes shall bear the address of the Project as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no.20) and shall include the Proposer’s name and address, as well as a warning that state “not to be opened before the time and date for proposal opening” as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 24). The Proposer shall assume the responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of Proposals due to improper sealing and labeling by the Proposer.

J. Deadline of Submission extended until:

January 10, 2019 4:00 PM

Proposals must be received by the Project at the address and no later than the date and time specified in the Data Sheet (DS nos. 20 and 21).
The Project shall not consider any Proposal that arrives after the deadline for submission of Proposals. Any Proposal received by the Project after the deadline for submission of Proposals shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Proposer.