RFP-2019-005_Development of pre-project documentation of a renewable energy facility

Link to Atlas Project

00097249 - De-risking Renewable Energy Investment


Request for Proposal


Dear Bidders,

For Your Information, there are changes in the ToR with regard to services duration period and defined location of the future solar power field and there is the extension of the proposals submission deadline.


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kazakhstan is extending a national tender for the services on development of pre-project documentation of a renewable energy facility. 

Detailed information is given in the attached Request for Proposals.

Instructions: proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to the following address: 14 A. Mambetova str., Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan addressed to Nurgul Murzagaliyeva, Procurement Associate, not later than 16:00 hours of 18 March, 2019. 

For any questions on this tender please contact the Syrym Nurgaliyev, Project Manager, by e-mail syrym.nurgaliyev@undp.org 

Proposals should be duly signed and stamped. Late quotations will be disqualified automatically.