National Consultancy Company Supervision of construction work for risk mitigation works in Lam Hoa site, Quang Binh province

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Non-UNDP Project


Request for Proposal
Annex 2


UNDP Vietnam is seeking for a National Consultancy Company Supervision of construction work for risk mitigation works  in Lam Hoa site, Quang Binh province.

The objective of the work is construction supervision for all works of minimizing the risk of POP Pesticide pollution in Lam Hoa commune, Tuyen Hoa district, Quang Binh province.

- Based on the requirement of the explanation and design drawing for all activities of treating environmental pollution in Lam Hoa commune, Tuyen Hoa district, Quang Binh province. Develop the overall construction supervision program: in which, identify clearly all contents of the basic construction items need to be supervised, and the environmental items shall coordinate with PMU and VEA to implement. (Explanation and design drawing are attached).

 - Based on the construction plan of the construction unit, develop an the appropriate monitoring plan, in which, should give the landmarks that the consultant should be at the contaminated area to construction supervision. The construction plan should be approved by PMU before implementation.

- Implement fully monitoring contents according proposed plan, including the following minimum contents:

            + Monitoring the amount of contaminated soils which have excavated from the contaminated areas and put into the landfill areas; monitoring the transport activity of contaminated soil without spillage during transport. 

            + Monitoring the sampling process and sample analysis after excavation at contaminated site of the two areas.

            + Guarantee the structure of burial pit meet the requirement at technical drawing.

            + The structure of fence and road must meet the requirement at technical drawing.

            + The actual amount of clean soil for land return at all hot spots.

- Take soil samples for analyzing at laboratory. Specifically in 09 hot spots: each hot spot takes 02 soil samples, including one sample at the bottom of the excavation hole (after the construction unit has completed excavation) and 01 composite sample representing the volume of excavated soil.

- Develop the report of construction supervision all works to minimize risk of POP Pesticide pollution at contaminated areas in Lam Hoa commune, Tuyen Hoa district, Quang Binh province

Request for Proposal with enclosed TOR and evaluation criteria are in the attached files.

Interested offerors are invited to submit technical proposals, financial proposals and other information following guidance in the Request for Proposal to:

Procurement Unit

UNDP Viet Nam

304 Kim Ma, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Tel: (+84 24) 38500100

Direct: (+84 24) 38500195


with notification by email (without attachment) to: that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.

Deadline for submissions: 5pm 06 March 2019