UNDP/PN/11/2019 Procurement Notice for Individual Consultant - International Consultant (Team Leader) for Terminal Evaluation of RERL Project

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00076958 - Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods (RERL)


Procurement Notice - International Consultant (Team Leader) for Terminal Evaluation of RERL Project
Annex II - UNDP General Conditions of Contract for IC


Country: NEPAL

Description of the assignment: As per the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) – Annex 1.

Project/Agency name: Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL) Project

No. of Consultants: 1

Period of assignment/services (if applicable): 25 working days (spread over between April  – 30 May 2019)

Proposal should be submitted by email to procurement.np@undp.org not later than 1730 hours (Nepal Standard Time) on 09 April 2019 mentioning reference No. UNDP/PN/11/2019 – International Consultants (Team Leader) for Terminal Evaluation of RERL Project.