Re-advertisement Pricing Agent Consultant to support the completion of the Place-to-Place Survey

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Non-UNDP Project


2019-PROC-UNDP-MMR-PN-050-Pricing Agent-Announcement
2019-PROC-UNDP-MMR-PN-050-Pricing Agent-Contract


UNDP on behalf of ICSC is looking for an individual including the following profile;

  1. Is an independent person with no past or present work experience with any of the organizations of the United Nations Common System and is not an immediate relative of a UN staff member (child, parent, spouse, etc.).
  2. Has international shopping experience with knowledge of the local market.
  3. Is preferably an expatriate who has lived at the duty station for at least one year.
  4. Has the ability to get around the duty station to visit the outlets by either public transportation or his/her own means of transport if necessary.
  5. Is conversant with English, French or Spanish to ensure proper interpretation of item specifications as provided on the pricing forms.
  6. Is able to communicate effectively (preferably in the official language of the duty station) because the job requires interaction with outlet owners and workers.
  7. Possesses a High School Diploma or equivalent.
  8. Having experience in the field of statistics, economics, project management, auditing, accounting and/or finance is an additional asset
  9. Is available to complete the job within the given time frame.

Interested individual Consultant must submit Personal CV or P11 to demonstrate their qualifications:

Profile should be submitted to the Procurement Unit, UNDP Myanmar, No. 6 Natmauk Road, Tamwe, Yangon or by email to; no later than 22 July 2019 5:00 pm.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. Procurement Unit will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

Kind regards,
Procurement Unit, CSTS