Call for Proposal (CFP)

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Non-UNDP Project Non-UNDP Project


CFP No. EVAW-2019- 02


CFP No. EVAW-2019- 02

Section 1 – CFP letter

UNWOMEN plans to engage a Responsible Party as defined in accordance with these documents. UNWOMEN now invites sealed proposals from qualified proponents for providing the requirements as defined in the UNWOMEN Terms of Reference. Proposals must be received by UNWOMEN at the address specified not later than 23.59 Dhaka Time on (date) 15th  July   2019

This UNWOMEN Call for Proposals consists of four sections and a series of annexes that will be completed by proponents and returned with their proposal:


          CFP section 1:    CFP letter (this document)  

          CFP section 2:    Proposal data sheet

          CFP section 3:   Instructions to proponents

CFP section 4:   UNWOMEN Terms of Reference 


CFP forms to be returned (mandatory): 

Annex  1

Proposal/no proposal confirmation form

Annex  2

Mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria

Annex  3

Technical proposal submission form

Annex  4

Financial proposal submission form

Annex  5

Resumes of proposed team members

Annex  6


Capacity Assessment Document Checklist

Interested proponents may obtain further information by contacting this email address: