Supply, Delivery and Installation of 500 KVA Power Transformer at Saudi Maternity Hospital at Kassala, Kassala state (Re-advertised)

Link to Atlas Project

00103342 - Eastern Sudan Hospitals Improvments


Request for Quotation
Annex 4 -SDEC Study
e-Tendering Manual -English
e-Tendering Manual -Arabic


Dear Sir / Madam:

We kindly request you to submit your quotation for “Supply, delivery and installation of 500 KVA electrical power transformer to Saudi Maternity Hospital at Kassala, Kassala state, Sudan” as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 1, 2 and 3. 

[indicate the deadline for submission]

Bidders who are registered on the e-Tendering will be able to download the complete bidding documents from the e-Tendering website at:

Event ID: SDN10-0000004057

Also, a full set of ITB (soft copy) can also be obtained free of charge from:

“UNDP Procurement Unit, House7, Block5, Gama’a Avenue, P.O. Box 913 Khartoum, SUDAN”

The default mode of submission is eTendering. Documents should be submitted on or before the deadline July 31, 2019 , 14: 00 Hours, Khartoum Local time, via:

eTendering Portal: 

Event ID: SDN10-0000004057

However, bidders who do not have access to internet may submit their offer through the following:

Hard copy submission to the following address:

Procurement BID BOX” at House7, Block5, Gama’a Avenue,

P.O. Box 913 Khartoum, SUDAN

In case your company is not registered in the e-Tendering Module, please use the following temporary username and password to register your company/firm:

Username: event.guest

Password: why2change


Important Notes:

  1. The default mode of submission is eTendering, however, prospective bidders will have the option of submitting a hardcopy bid through UNDP CO bid box.
  2. Manner of Disseminating Supplemental Information to the ITB and responses/clarifications to queries of ITB is only though eTendering.
  3. If two identical financial offers are received from one bidder in the eTendering as well as hardcopy submission, the evaluation will be carried out on the offer submitted through eTendering.
  4. If two different financial offers are received from one bidder in the eTendering as well as hardcopy submission, it will be treated non-responsive due to submission of alternative bid.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.

              Sincerely yours,


Issued by

Approved by




Name: Roweida Mohamed

Title: Procurement Analyst

Date: July 16, 2019

Name: Mehdi Khalili

Title: Head of Procurement Unit

Date: July 16, 2019