RFQ-2019-042_Replanning of premises in the building of a rehabilitation center for people with limited mobility in Talsuat village, Kyzylorda city

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Non-UNDP Project


RFQ 2019-042


The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) within its project “Sustainable Development of the System of Social Protection of the Population: Promotion of Programs on Social Integration and Inclusion” is extending a competitive bidding for “Replanning of premises in the building of a rehabilitation center for people with limited mobility in Talsuat village, Kyzylorda city”.

Detailed information given in the attached Request for Quotation and Technical specifications.

Proposals must be submitted no later than 12:00 am Nur-Sultan time on July 26, 2019, by e-mail to procurement.kz@undp.org with the obligatory indication of the number and name of the competition in the subject line of the e-mail.

For all questions please contact Botagoz Yussupova, UNDP Project Manager by e-mail botagoz.yussupova@undp.org, copying zulfiya.baisagatova@undp.org

Late quotations will be disqualified automatically.