Construction of a secondary rural school with 6 classrooms in Balkhobi village of Muminobod district, Khatlon region

Link to Atlas Project

00089898 - (JPN) Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Re


01_Checklist Form_School in Balkhobi
03_Application form_School in Balkhobi_eng
04_Work schedule_Balkhobi school_eng_rus
05_Personnel-Schedule_School in Balkhobi_eng_rus
06_Equipment-Schedule_School in Balkhobi_eng_rus_
07_Explanatory note_School in Balkhobi_RUS_ENG
84-2019-ITB-UNDP-DRMP (School in Balkhobi) Eng


The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Tajikistan (UNDP) invites you to submit your proposal for Construction of a secondary rural school with 6 classrooms in Balkhobi village of Muminobod district, Khatlon region (ref: 84-2019-ITB-UNDP-DRMP)

Instructions: proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to the following address: 39 Aini Street, Dushanbe, 734024, Tajikistan; or via e-mail to

The deadline for proposal submission is August 22, 2019 at 12:00 (Dushanbe time, +5 GMT).

Detailed information is given in the attached ITB.