Re-Advertisement - National Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Consultant - PPG phase

Link to Atlas Projects

00117994 - Engagement Facility for Climate Promise
00120806 - ISLANDS – Indian Ocean Child Project


Annex A Confirming Interest and Availability
Annex B-Model Contract _IC
Annex C - GCC_IC
Annex D-P.11


Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes in Mauritius - Project ID: 00115062

National Gender and Stakeholder Engagement Consultant - PPG phase

Due to their small size and narrow resource bases, Small Island Development States (SIDS) are import-dependent economies. On a per capita basis, waste generation in SIDS is rising. In 2014 it was slightly lower than in OECD countries (1.29 kg/capita/day, compared to 1.35 kg/capita/day), but as of 2019 is 2.3 kg/capita/day, 48% higher than that of OECD countries.

In Mauritius, hazardous wastes management remains a major issue of concern. One of the main challenges being the economic unviability of setting up treatment/disposal systems for certain hazardous waste streams as the volumes generated are too low, necessitating their export. However, export remains logistically complicated and costly, and a backing financial mechanism needs to be put in place to make this sustainable.

Opportunities for local recycling, treatment and disposal exist for hazardous waste streams such as waste oil, e-wastes and healthcare wastes (non-BAT decentralized incineration), but further improvements are required to reduce release of chemicals, including POPs and mercury. The disposal of end-of-life vehicles and POPs-containing materials also need to be addressed as the number of vehicles on the Mauritian roads keep increasing year-by-year.

The Government of Mauritius is strategically well positioned to support the systemic transformation proposed by the ISLANDS programme.

As one of the Implementing Agencies of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP is supporting developing countries to develop and implement projects aimed at such challenges and planned activities to overcome those in Mauritius as a part of a regional programme for the Indian Ocean, and, at a broader and global level, will coordinate work with the parent programme (PFD) and other regional programmes in the Asia-Pacific and Caribbean Oceans which will be managed by UN Environment as the lead GEF agency in partnerships with FAO, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and implementing partners such as the Basel Convention Regional Center for the Caribbean region and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment (SPREP) for the Asia-Pacific region.

The National Gender and Stakeholder Engagement consultant will help will act as an advisor and technical resource person with respect to integrating gender perspectives into the project.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

  1. Desk analytical work
  2. Gender Action and Stakeholder Engagement Plans
  3. Remain on stand-by for addressing GEF comments

Duration of the Work
The consultancy has a duration of approximately 20 working days over 17 months. The assignment will commence from September 2019.

Duty Station
Home-based and UNDP Mauritius Country Office.


Applications should be sent through email on or before 03 October, Thursday- Midnight, New York time (GMT+4 Mauritius time)


Annex A - Letter of confirmation of interest and availability and Submission of financial proposal
Annex B - Model Contact IC
Annex D - P11
Terms of Reference