Individual Consultancy for Project Implementation Support in Gaziantep

Link to Atlas Project

00108446 - Turkey Resilience Project in response to the SyriaCrisis


Procurement Notice
ANNEX I - Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability
ANNEX III - General Terms and Conditions


1          Background

Please see Annex II (Terms of Reference)

2          Scope of Work, Responsibilities and Description of the Proposed Analytical Work

Please see Annex II (Terms of Reference).

3           Requirements for Experience and Qualifications

Please see Annex II (Terms of Reference).

4          Documents to be Included when Submitting the Proposals

Interested individual consultants MUST submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Duly signed and complete "Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability" given in the attachment as Annex I
  • A one-page motivation letter, explaining why they are the most suitable for the work,
  • Latest Personal CV including experience in similar projects and easily accessible contact details (preferably mobile phones) and at least 2 references.


Failure to submit either one of the above listed documents may result in automatic disqualification of a candidate.

5          Financial Proposal

Financial proposal shall be submitted together with the compulsory documents, in the format provided in “Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability”. Any deviation from the standard text may lead to disqualification.

6          Evaluation

Applicants meeting the minimum qualification requirements stipulated by Terms of Reference will be short-listed for technical evaluation.

The evaluation will be based on cumulative analysis (i.e. technical qualifications and price proposal). The weight of the technical criteria is 70%; the weight of the financial proposal is 30%.

The Evaluation Committee may interview the candidates who obtain a minimum of 70 points out of a maximum 100 pts, prior to conclusion of the technical evaluation.

The interview will be confirmed or notified to the tenderer at least two days in advance. If a candidate is unable to participate in an interview by force majeure, a mutually convenient alternative date and time is arranged with the candidate. If the candidate is unable to participate in this second scheduled time, the candidate will be eliminated from the evaluation process.

After conclusion of the technical evaluation, candidates that obtain a minimum of 70 pts out of a maximum 100 pts will be considered for the financial evaluation.

Candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements will be disqualified.



Maximum Points



100 pts

General Qualifications


20 pts

General Professional Experience


20 pts

Specific Professional Experience


60 pts



100 pts

7          Annexes

The following annexes are integral parts of this procurement notice. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the Annex III and the procurement notice and/or Annex I and/or Annex II, the provisions of Annex III are applicable.