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RFP ENV 19/012 “Organization and implementation of activities to enhance the capacity of employees of the Sector of Specially Protected Areas of Kyrgyz Republic” / ЗП ENV 19/012 «Организация и проведение мероприятий по повышению потенциала работников сект
Procurement Process :RFP - Request for proposal
Deadline :04-Oct-19
Posted on :20-Sep-19
Development Area :OTHER  OTHER
Reference Number :59452
Link to Atlas Project :
00097902 - Biodiversity of Western Tian Shan
Documents :
RFP ENV 19-012
Annex 2 - Form for technical proposal
Annex 3 - Form for financial proposal
Annexes 4 and 5
Overview :

RFP ENV 19/012 “Organization and implementation of activities to enhance the capacity of employees of the Sector of Specially Protected Areas of Kyrgyz Republic”

UNDP within the framework of the UNDP-GEF project “Conservation of globally important biodiversity and associated land and forest resources of Western Tian Shan mountain ecosystems to support sustainable livelihoods” announces a tender ref. RFP ENV 19/012 “Organization and implementation of activities to enhance the capacity of employees of the Sector of Specially Protected Areas of Kyrgyz Republic”.

Full package of tender documents are attached to this announcement web-page or available by request to e-mail

You are kindly requested to submit Your Proposal to UNDP to the following address of Procurement Unit of the United Nations Development Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic on or before 14:00 am (local time) on 4 October 2019

United Nations Development Programme

160, Chuy Avenue, Bishkek

720040, Kyrgyz Republic


ЗП ENV 19/012 «Организация и проведение мероприятий по повышению потенциала работников сектора Особо охраняемых природных территорий КР»

ПРООН в рамках проекта ПРООН-ГЭФ “Сохранение глобально значимого биоразнообразия и связанных с ним земельных и лесных ресурсов Западного Тянь-Шаня для поддержки устойчивых средств существования” объявляет тендер ЗП ENV 19/012 «Организация и проведение мероприятий по повышению потенциала работников сектора Особо охраняемых природных территорий КР».

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Программа Развития ООН

г. Бишкек, пр. Чуй 160

720040, Кыргызская Республика