87991 - Gender Analysis Consultant

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Non-UNDP Project


United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is seeking a Gender Analysis Consultant.

Under the overall guidance by the Programme Specialist, Volunteer Infrastructure, the Gender consultant will:

1. Develop a gender analysis using available research and evidence to explore and elucidate the key relationships between volunteering and gender equality at national and sub-national level.  The evidence paper should use high-quality evidence and research from all geographical regions with particular attention to low and middle-income countries. The analysis could cover gender equality and women’s empowerment issues relating to:

  • Policies and legislation on volunteering
  • Policies in relevant sectors (e.g. social care, education, skills and training)
  • Public schemes and programmes at national or municipal level
  • Incentives and support to volunteers
  • Information and resources available to volunteers
  • Recognition and value of volunteer work

Noting that 70 per cent of volunteer work globally is carried out informally, this analysis should cover all types of volunteer work, including civic engagement, campaigning, social action and direct support within communities, not only formal volunteering programmes.

2. Develop a step-by-step guide / framework on how to implement gender sensitive volunteering policy and legislation, including guidance on:

  • How to conduct a gender needs analysis on volunteering for UN Member States, linked to national gender policy priorities
  • Guidance for governments on how to address top 5 most common gender and volunteering priorities through policies, programmes, resources, information and other initiatives including those addressing perceptions around the value of volunteer work

3. Produce four analytical case studies on good practices in volunteer programming to complement the step-by-step guide and framework. These should cover a diversity of contexts and interventions e.g. A social care policy which recognizes the contribution of women’s volunteer work in the care sector and works to transition to more formalized care provision, enabling women to participate in more equal terms in the labour force.

Duty station: Home Based

Language: English

For more information and how to apply follow the link below: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=87991