Individual Consultancy for Design and Creative Services for Visibility Materials (Total of 2 positions)

Link to Atlas Project

00108446 - Turkey Resilience Project in response to the SyriaCrisis


Procurement Notice
Annex II_Terms of Reference
Annex III_UNDP General Conditions for Individual Contracts
Annex I_Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor Assignment


UNDP Turkey CO hereby invites you to submit your proposal for the Individual Contract (IC) assignment regarding the “Consultancy for Design and Creative Services for Visibility Materials (Total of 2 positions)” under the “Syria Crisis Response and Resilience Programme”;

Please provide following documents along with your proposal:

  • Terms of Reference and General Conditions of Contract for the Services of Individual Contractors with your initials on each page.
  • Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor(IC) Assignment (which includes Price Proposal) as per Terms of Reference with your initials on each page and counter-signature on page 4. (please make sure to fill out every section of the document)
  • Personal updated CV (English version) including past experience.

Proposals shall be submitted by email to no later than 28 January 2020, 23:59 (GMT +3).

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your proposals.
