Consultant to produce documentary (including photo reportage)

Link to Atlas Project

00121738 - Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources-PBF 3


Procurement Notice
Confirmation of availability form
P11 Form
Terms of Reference



The “Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources for Greater Social Cohesion in the Solomon Islands” (IGNR) Project provides technical assistance through timely reform of Solomon Islands’ legislation and policy with the regard to the private sector land ownership for natural resource exploitation. The IGNR Project’s focus areas are: Support the government with the Constitutional amendment which is necessary to enable the amendment to the Land and Titles Act to reflect the customary and traditional land tenure systems of the country. The amendment will provide the anchor for the TGB which will unlock economic and business development opportunities in the Solomon Islands. Furthermore, based on consultations, the Project will assist with the development of legal frameworks on natural resources and land ensuring gender sensitivity and compliance with CEDAW. The Project will assist in aligning the Traditional Governance Bill to the Amended Land and Titles Act and will ensure that it reflects the concerns of women and youth. The activities will include an anthropological analysis of customary law, facilitation of wider consultations to include women, youth and people with disabilities, and an overall analysis of the draft legislation through the gender and conflict lens to ensure maximum inclusion going forward.  The Tradition Governance bill was withdrawn by parliament as the consultations were fully consistent with the desires and commitments of key stakeholders including the judiciary, the Bar Association, Churches and marginalized groups, women and youth were not meaningfully consulted. The Traditional Governance Bill will not be possible without inclusive consultations, anthropological analysis and effectively legislating. Also, the IGNR Project will support the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey to improve the Government’s recording of customary land titles under the amended Land and Titles Act as well as support the revival of the National Youth Congress and Provincial Youth Councils.


The UNDP “Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources for Greater Social Cohesion in the Solomon Islands” (IGNR) Project is looking for a professional documentary producer consultant who will provide the requested services on a retainer basis, in charge of producing a high quality series of documentary videos and photo reportage for the project.