RFQ 2020-125 Provision of translation services

Link to Atlas Project

00112168 - Effective HIV and TB control project in Kyrgyzstan


Guidance on login in to e-tendering


Dear Sir/Madam

We kindly request you to submit your quotation for provision of services, as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ

When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2 /

Quotations, comprising of documents stated in this RFQ, should be submitted to UNDP Kyrgyzstan through “UNDP ATLAS E-tendering system” (https://etendering.partneragencies.org).

Please check the deadline information through UNDP ATLAS E-tendering system

No hard copy or email submissions will be accepted by UNDP

The step by step instructions for registration of Bidders and quotation submission through the UNDP ATLAS E-tendering system is available in the “Instructions Manual for the Bidders”, attached with this RFQ. Should you require any training on the UNDP ATLAS E-tendering system or face with any difficulties when registering your company or submitting your proposal, please send an email to the UNDP Procurement Team at psm.kg@undp.org

The Bidders are advised to use Internet Explorer (version 10 or above) to avoid any compatibility issues with the e-tendering system.

E-tendering user guide and video guides for registration and submission of a bid are available in English and Russian at the following link:
