Consultancy - Communication firm to support SDG Localization in Maputo and Cabo Delgado

Link to Atlas Project

00098418 - SDG and Policy Coherence




The SDG Localization Project was conceived to support local actors in Maputo and Cabo Delgado Provinces to formulate and implement integrated public policies, programmes and projects for the promotion of sustainable development. SDG localization refers to the process of co-designing, co-implementing and co-monitoring inclusive SDG implementation strategies in full alignment with sub-national priorities and opportunities. It is possible to identify considerably diverse realities at the sub-national level that will entail specific actions in order to achieve the proposed goals. For example, Maputo Province is a highly urbanized area (71,2% of the population lives in cities) what contrasts with the reality of both Cabo Delgado and the country, where only 23,1% and 33,4% of the population lives in cities, respectively (Censo, 2017).