UNDP-IC-2021-033 Transgender Rights Expert

Link to Atlas Project

00070684 - Decentralization Human Rights and Local Governance


IC Notice
Submission forms Annex III- VI
Submission forms Passoword protection required


Country:                   Pakistan

Description of the assignment: Individual Contract:  National ConsultantTransgender Rights Expert for Ministry of Human Rights (MoHR)”

Project name: Decentralization, Human Rights and Local Governance Project.

Period of assignment/services (if applicable): The duration of the contract will be 160 working days effective from the date of the signing of the contract spread over a period of nine months effect from the date of signing of the contract.

Important Note: Final selected IC will be required to provide a statement of health certificate along with proof of health insurance.

Duty Station:  Islamabad with travel to other cities within Pakistan

Please submit your Technical and Financial proposals via email to the following address: 

bids.pk@undp.org no later than 25th Feb 2021 at 12:30 PM (Pakistan Standard Time). Hand Delivery is not acceptable.

Important note for email submissions: Please put “UNDP-IC-2021-033- Transgender Rights Expert for Ministry of Human Rights (MoHR) in the subject line. Further, our system will not accept emails those are more than 30 MB size. If required, segregate your emails to accommodate email data restrictions. For segregated emails please use sequence of emails like Email 1, Email 2 …. in the subject line. For attachment purposes please only use MS Word, Excel, Power Point or PDF formats.

If you request additional information, please write to pakistan.procurement.info@undp.org The team will provide necessary information within due date. However, any delay in providing such information will not be considered a reason for extending the submission date of your proposal. All/any query regarding the submission of the proposal may be sent prior to the deadline at the e-mail/address mentioned above.

Important Note: Your financial proposal must be password protected file. You will be requested to provide the password of your financial proposal if you pass technical evaluation with minimum 70% score.