Baseline study of Mozambique’s experience in the participation of Preferential Trade Agreements and its implications for the ratification of AfCFTA

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00084563 - SUNRED - Sustainable Managment of Natural Resources




The Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) signed in Kigali, Rwanda, on 21st March 2018, is a key milestone in Africa’s regional integration. The Agreement includes the Protocol on Trade in Goods, the Protocol on Trade in Services and the Protocol on Rules and Procedures for Settlement of Disputes. These protocols are being negotiated under Phase 1 of AfCFTA implementation. The Agreement also encompasses Protocols on Investment, Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights, which will be negotiated under Phase 2.

The overall aim of the study is to inform the AfCFTA ratification process in Mozambique by drawing from its past experience participating in preferential trade initiatives, in order to identify the possible gains that could be derived from AfCFTA accession, areas and issues of concern, as well as complementary policy measures that may need to be implemented in areas such as industrial policy and technology, agricultural development, infrastructure and logistics or education, for Mozambique to reap the full benefits of AfCFTA. Special attention will be given to Mozambique’s experience with the implementation of the SADC Trade Protocol and SADC FTA, given the significance of this agreement and the importance of trade and economic relations with SADC countries.