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IC 139151 Final Evaluation Involuntary Returned Migrants
Procurement Process :IC - Individual contractor
Deadline :10-May-21
Posted on :26-Apr-21
Reference Number :77885
Link to Atlas Project :
00109631 - Engagement Facility
Documents :
Terms of Reference
UNDP P11 Template
Financial Proposal Template
Contract Template
Overview :

Consultancy:       Final Evaluation Involuntary Returned Migrants

Project Title:     Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Involuntary Returned Migrants in Jamaica

Country: Jamaica

Post Level: International Consultant

Type of Consultancy: Individual Consultancy

Deadline:  10 May 2021

Expected start date:  June 2021

Period of assignment/services: 24 days



The project’s overall goal was to strengthen the policy, legislative and institutional framework that guides the management and treatment of IRMs to the island. Specifically, the project sought to (1) fill gaps in the governance framework by ensuring that the revised draft Deportation Policy included a strengthened rehabilitation and reintegration (migration) component; (2) strengthen the institutional arrangements to manage and provide services to IRMs by establishing a coordinating mechanism comprised of national and local stakeholders.

The project sought to achieve the above through the following outcomes and outputs:

Outcome 1: Improved policy and legislative framework governing issues related to Involuntary Returned Migrants (IRMs)

Output 1: Regulatory framework for IRM reintegration and rehabilitation strengthened

Output 2: National coordination for the operationalization of the policy and legal framework established

Outcome 2: Enhanced access to services for IRMs

Output 3: Capacity of service providers to network and address long term needs of involuntary returned migrants improved


Output 4: Framework for monitoring and tracking of reintegration of returned migrants strengthened Enhanced capacity of local authorities, to mainstream migration in planning and service provision


Outcome 3: Enhanced capacity of local authorities to mainstream migration in planning and service provisions

Output 5: Capacity of local authorities to mainstream migration in planning and service provision enhanced


The project is expected to contribute to Jamaica Country Programme Document (CPD) Outcome # 1 which seeks to improve access to equitable social protection systems, quality services and sustainable economic opportunities. Specifically, the project aligns with Output of the CPD 1.1: Options enabled and facilitated for inclusive and sustainable social protection. At the global level, it is aligned with UNDP Strategic Plan Outcome 1: Growth and development are inclusive and sustainable, incorporating productive capacities that create employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded. This project evaluation complements the previously completed Baseline Study on Involuntary Migrants in Jamaica.

Scope of Work:

The evaluation is being conducted as agreed in the project document and in accordance with the UNDP’s Evaluation Plan, Strategic Plan, and Evaluation Policy which sets out several guiding principles, norms and criteria for evaluation within the organization. Amongst the norms that the UNDP Evaluation Policy seeks to uphold, are that the evaluation exercise should be independent, impartial and of appropriate quality, but also that it should be intentional and designed with utility in mind. The evaluation should generate relevant and useful information to support evidence-based decision making. Consequently, this evaluation has been designed with dual purposes: 1) to allow national counterparts Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Cities Alliance and UNDP to meet their accountability objectives, and 2) to capture good practices and lessons learned.

The evaluation will assess both the results to date (direct and indirect, whether intended or not) from its implementation as well as the likelihood of the project in meeting its end goals on the basis of current design, human resource structure, broad implementation strategy, etc. It is expected that the evaluation will follow a forward-looking approach and provide useful and actionable recommendations. In line with standard evaluation practice, the scope of the evaluation goes beyond assessing whether UNDP is currently “doing things right” in programme execution and management, to a broader assessment of whether on the basis of evidence available, the approach -- as implemented and in comparison with similar approaches implemented by others-- is likely to be the “right approach” to achieve the higher-level results agreed in the start of the project.

The evaluation will cover the entire project duration from November 2016 to December 2019. The Final Evaluation will examine the results, achievements and constraints in the Involuntary Returned Migrants project. The evaluation is intended to identify weaknesses and strengths of the project design and implementation, and evaluate the adequacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of implementation, as well as assess the achievement of project outputs and outcomes.

The findings, lessons learned and recommendations generated by the evaluation will be used by UNDP and its national counterparts to improve this and future projects and programmes and to identify strategies that contribute to achieving the main objective of the project. The results and recommendations of the evaluation will help the UNDP to document lessons learned and best practices as the organization prepares for the next programme cycle covering 2022 – 2026.


For the detailed terms of reference (TOR) please visit our website at


Application Procedure:

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for the TOR and follow the instructions for submission.


Please e-mail your submission using the following:, with subject line “ IC 139151  Final Evaluation Involuntary Returned Migrants ”


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