Transfer of technology, know-how and skills for wave, marine current and wind field analysis and sea oil slick detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image processing.

Link to Atlas Project





The Cuban archipelago is very vulnerable to global climate change, given its condition of small island state in the tropical region of the planet. Climate change has stepped up and will continue to step up the country’s environmental problems, as supported by research work carried out by experts in the field of the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) and other national institutions, hence it is a determining factor for its sustainable development.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the Cuban marine meteorological system through the transfer of technology and know-how for the analysis of wave, marine current and wind fields and sea oil slick detection from synthetic aperture radar satellite (SAR) image processing.


1. The transfer of software and tools that allow for the estimation of wave, marine currents and wind fields and oil slick detection from SAR satellite image processing;

2. The supply of daily updated high resolution SAR images via internet that cover the entire area of Cuban territorial waters and adjacent seas.

3. Technical training services on related issues.

Fort the achievement of the results of the Marine Surveillance Project, it is necessary to retain the services of an international entity, with the capacity, technology and expertise to provide INSMET a comprehensive service that ensures: