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Recruitment of Individual Consultant for the Development of strategy and Operational manual for Ghana’s Engagement under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement
Procurement Process :IC - Individual contractor
Office :UNDP Country Office - GHANA
Deadline :15-Jul-21
Posted on :02-Jul-21
Reference Number :80325
Link to Atlas Project :
00089037 - Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana
Documents :
Terms of Reference
Proposal Submission Notice
Technical Proposal Submission
Financial Proposal Submission
Personal History Form
Overview :


Ghana is among the top five GHG emitters in the ECOWAS sub-region. Its 2019 emissions of 58.6 million tonnes represented an 86% rise in the last decade and expected to hit 100 million tonnes by 2030 along the BAU pathway. The rising GHG emission trends correspond to the structural economic changes driven by fossil-dependent electrification and transportation, oil and gas production and land-use change. There are inherent fiscal and technological incentives that continue to instigate reliance on fossil-fuel investments and extractive industry (minerals, oil and gas, commodity tree crops and timber). In addition, some of the existing taxation and subsidy policies still favour fossil fuel use. Mining, logging, and agriculture are the main drivers of GHG emissions associated with land-use change. However, Ghana has adopted a wide range of socio-economic strategies to deliver long-term greenhouse mitigation outcome. Within the NDC, Ghana has a mitigation potential of 84 million tonnes of GHG emissions by 2030.



The consultant will be hired to support the preparation of the Article 6.2 strategy and the ITMO manual. While the Article 6.2 strategy focuses on addressing broad policy areas for participating in Article 6.2, the ITMO manual will define issues such as (a) institutional arrangement for Article 6.2 ITMO project implementation; (b) mitigation activity development cycle; (c) approval procedures for ITMO project registration and ITMO issuances and transfers; (d) service fees, charges and payments; (e) criteria for methods and participating auditing entities, (f) standards and complaint redress. In addition, the consultant will work closely with a team of national experts led by the EPA /MESTIand UNDP, who will provide technical support to the consultant.



  • Master degree preferably in economics/natural/engineering/sciences (energy or environmental management or natural resource management)


  • Minimum of 7 years of relevant working experience in climate change and international financial markets at the national and international levels.
  • Knowledge and understanding of Ghana's NDC and UNFCCC processes, the Paris Agreement and International Financial Markets.



  • See the Documents section above for the detailed Annex I-Terms of Reference and Submission Documents.


  • Strictly follow the instructions indicated in the IC Proposal Submission Form uploaded hereto

For detailed information, please refer to Annex I- Terms of Reference (ToR)

Important Note:

The Consultant is required to have the above mentioned professional and technical qualifications. Only the applicants who hold these qualifications are advised to submit their respective bid proposals


The following proposals must be prepared as per the prescribed standard format indicated in the respective IC Bid Document. The Proposals shall be submitted before its deadline on July 15, 2021 via UNDP Ghana Secured mail address:

  • Technical Proposal in pdf under file name: UNDP.GHA.2021.183.IC – TP - [insert  Name]
  • Financial Proposal in pdf under file name: UNDP.GHA.2021.183.IC – FP - [insert  Name]

Please note that these proposals shall be submitted to the designated secured email into two files but in one email unless both Files are Greater than 9MB file size


While submitting your proposals to