IC-2021-112 International expert to support and develop regulatory legal acts (RLA) in terms of the development of auctions for the greenhouse gas trading system

Link to Atlas Project

00122245 - National Determined Contributions Programm in Kazakhstan


Procurement Notice in En
Annex 1- Terms of reference in En
Annex 2- Individual consultant general terms and conditions
ANNEX 3 - Individual contract template
Annexes 4 & 5- Offeror’s letter to UNDP/confirmation of interest and financial proposal form_en


The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the framework of the project "Assistance in enhancement of Kazakhstan Nationally Determined Contributions" is announcing an international competitive bidding for individuals for the position of International expert to support and develop regulatory legal acts (RLA) in terms of the development of auctions for the greenhouse gas trading system. 

For detailed information please refer to the attached Terms of Reference and Procurement Notice.

Place of work: home-based.

The following documents in PDF format must be attached to your offer and sent to procurement.kz@undp.org with Ref.2021-112 in the subject not later than 18:00 p.m. Nur Sultan Time zone (GMT+6) on August 23, 2021:

  • Properly completed Attachment 4 "Bidder Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor" and Attachment 5 "Cost Breakdown Confirming Final Full Price" using the provided UNDP template; These documents must be submitted separately from other required documents below;
  • A detailed resume, which should indicate previous experience in similar projects, as well as contact details (email address and telephone number) of the Applicant, and confirmation of required skills;
  • Other documents confirming work experience, expertise, education and skills (diploma, certificates of professional development, awards, etc.).
  • A brief essay of why the consultant considers himself/herself to be the most appropriate for the job, as well as a methodology describing which approach will be applied and how the assignment will be carried out.

Annexes 4 - 5 to be filled in are attached to the tender documentation in WORD format.

Late applications will be disqualified automatically.