Environmental Specialist- International Consultant

Link to Atlas Project

00107529 - Joint Programme on Local Governance


Procurement Notice- TOR
Confirmation of Availabilty


The overall objective of the Environmental Specialist- Internaional consultant's assignment is to design a climate adaptation strategy and action/implementation plan for the JPLG to support local governments environment work. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the JPLG management team, a national environmental consultant (TORs in annex) and ensure field work and draft documents are consulted with local governments, key ministries (environment, interior and others). The consultant will also examine other arid land environmental initiatives and their relevance to the Somali people’s contexts. This will be supplemented by: - 1. Development of a communication plan. 2. Development of a minimum of 4 local action plans on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for a selected district to include diverse climate environments in rural and urban areas. 3. Development of a vulnerability matrix for analysis of climate change impacts for a selected district. 4. Provide an overview of funding opportunities for short- and long-term financial support for local government, community initiatives and the JPLG. 5. Development of a set of concept notes to access global funds, such as, Global Environment Facility (GEF), and Green Climate Fund (GCF).