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A partir de Octubre de 2020, el sistema de contraseñas del sitio web de eTendering del PNUD será modificado para mejorar la seguridad y la interfaz de usuario.
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A partir d'octobre 2020, le système d'identification du site eTendering du PNUD est changé pour améliorer la sécurité et l'interface utilisateur.
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View Notice

RFQ 2362 e-advertisement: Selecting a company to conduct the Strategical Environmental Assessment of the draft Low Emission Development Programme for 2030
Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation MDA10 - 0000010418   Click here to participate
Office :UNDP Country Office - MOLDOVA
Deadline :08-Oct-21 @ 09:30 AM (New York time)
Posted on :14-Sep-21 @ 01:08 PM (New York time)
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :83288
Link to Atlas Project :
00115652 - EU4Climate
Documents :
Request for Quotation
Annex 3 Technical and Financial Offer
Annex 2 Quotation Submission Form
Overview :

RfQ21/02362: Re-advertisement: Selecting a company to conduct the Strategical Environmental Assessment of the draft Low Emission Development Programme for 2030


The main objective of the assignment is to conduct the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the draft updated Low Emission Development Strategy 2030 of Moldova. In particular, the consultant is expected to support the Ministry of Environment in launching and conducting the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the draft updated LEDS 2030, in compliance with the Law #11/2017 on Strategic Environmental Assessment 

and considering the provisions of the Guideline on conducting SEA, approved by the Order of MARDE #219 as of 01.10.2018[1].

In order to reach the proposed objectives, the selected company/organization is expected to perform the following tasks:

  1. To determine the scope of the SEA Report in accordance with the art. 7 of the Law #11/2017 and Chapter VI, Section 1 of the Guideline on conducting SEA, including the list of the stakeholders, the structure of the SEA Report and the information to be included in the SEA Report.
  2. To consult the Scope of the SEA Report with, but not limited to, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health.
  3. To updated the Scope, including the structure of the SEA Report and the information to be included in the SEA Report, based on the comments and proposals of Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health.
  4. To develop the SEA Report in accordance with the requirements of the art. 8 and Annex 2 of the Law #11/2017 and the Chapter VI, Section 2 and Annex 6 of the Guideline on conducting SEA. SEA will include (but not limited to): impact on environmental components (air, water, soil, flora, and fauna), climate impact, socio-economic impact, and health impact.
  5. To conduct the consultation of the SEA Report in accordance with the provision of the art. 9 of the Law #11/2017 and Chapter VI, Section 3 of the Guideline on conducting SEA.
  6. Based on the received comments and proposals, to develop the table of divergences and the final version of the SEA Report to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment.

The expected deliverables and schedules are provided in the table below as following:



Deliverable 1. Activity Plan and Methodology for the assignment submitted and coordinated.

By early-October 2021

Deliverable 2. The scope of the SEA Report* as per tasks 1-2 above.

By mid-October 2021

Deliverable 3. SEA Report developed* as per task 4 above.

By end-January 2022

Deliverable 4. Consultations of the SEA Report as per task 5 above. 

By end-February 2022

Deliverable 5. Final version of the SEA Report* as per task 6 above

By mid-March 2022

Deliverable 6. A consolidated final report on the execution of the assignment, covering all the above-mentioned aspects under the deliverables 1 to 5

By end-April 2022

Interested companies shall submit the following documents exclusively online:
a) Company's brief profile and the CVs of its relevant members;
b) Brief description of why the Company considers itself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a
methodology and approach to complete the assignment;
c) Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown
of costs, as per template provided;
d) Copies of company registration documents;
e) Reference to similar projects developed and implemented by the company.

Ms. Ana-Maria Manole, e-mail:

Website for tender documents and information:

Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through the online tendering system of UNDP. Bidders who wish to submit an offer must be registered in the system. Visit this page for system user guides and videos in different languages:

If already registered, go to and sign in using your username and password. Use "Forgotten password" link if you do not remember your password. Do not create a new profile.

If you have never registered in the system before, you can register by visiting the above link, sign in with username below, and follow the instructions in the user guide:
  • Username: event.guest
  • Password: why2change

If you are interested to participate in this Tender, it is strongly recommended that you log in and subscribe to the Tender using "Accept Invitation" feature so you can keep updated with Tender amendments including deadline. Note that in case of inconsistencies between information in eTendering system and other premises, information in eTendering system prevails.
If you are facing login issues or have any challenges with using the eTendering system, please consult the various user guides/videos in the link below or contact the procurement focal point managing the tender you are interested in.

Si encuentra problemas de acceso o tiene dificultades para utilizar el sistema de eTendering, por favor consulte las guías de usuario y los vídeos en el enlace que podrá encontrar más abajo, o contacte con la persona de referencia de la licitación en la que esté interesado en participar.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes de connexion ou rencontrez des difficultés lors de l'utilisation du système eTendering, veuillez consulter les différents guides / vidéos de l'utilisateur fournis dans le lien ci-dessous ou contacter le point focal des achats gérant l'offre qui vous intéresse.