International Institutional Consultancy Services for “climate-land use-energy-water nexus analysis with integration of socio-economic considerations in Sistan-and-Baloochestan province

Link to Atlas Project

00120072 - Natural resource management and livelihood dev. in Hamun


Request for Proposal Package
Word Format of Bidders Returnable Forms


We kindly request you to submit your proposal on International Institutional Consultancy Services for “climate-land use-energy-water nexus analysis with integration of socio-economic considerations in Sistan-and-Baloochestan province”
Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex II, in preparing your Proposal. Your Proposal must be expressed in English, and valid for a minimum period of 90 days.
Proposals may be submitted on or before Monday, November 29, 2021 (proposals cannot be received after 16:30 Tehran local time) and via below email address:
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Using any other subject for your email will result in disqualification of your proposal by UNDP automated emailing system.