UNDP-SOI-IC-2021-082 - External Evaluator IGNR (National)

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00121738 - Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources-PBF 3


UNDP-SOI-IC-2021-082 - External Evaluator IGNR (National)
Annex 1 - Individual IC General Terms and Conditions
Annex II - Individual Contract_Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability
P11 - Personal History Form


Responding to outcomes from previous surveys, Truth and Reconciliation reports and Conflict & Development Analyses in 2004 and 2019 the Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources (IGNR) Project aimed to reduce actual or potential conflicts triggered by deficient legislative frameworks, private interests and lack of inclusivity with regards to decisions on the use of land natural resources in the Solomon Islands. To serve to this purpose, IGNR Project provided technical assistance through timely reform of Solomon Islands’ legislation and policy with regards to private sector land ownership for natural resource exploitation.  It also built capacity of community leaders to ensure processes determining customary land ownership do not override or dismiss traditional land rights especially of women, which may lead to more conflict. 

The project is funded by the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) which is the UN’s financial instrument of first resort to sustain peace in countries or situations at risk or affected by violent conflict. The PBF has invested in Solomon Islands since the aftermath of the conflict in 2003 and contributed through UN entities, government, and civil society organizations to build a durable peace in the country.

The implementing partners of the project were UNDP, UNWomen, Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OMPC), Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA), Ministry of Women, Youth, children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA), Ministry of lands, Housing and Survey (MLHS), Provincial Governments of Malaita, Choiseul, Guadalcanal and Western), Chambers of Commerce, National Youth Council, Provincial Women’s Caucuses and Youth Caucuses.

The project aimed to build consensus and facilitate initiatives to address key peacebuilding challenges such as on reparations/reconciliation; land disputes; governance and social cohesion, in an inclusive manner, and empowering young women and men to become agents of change and peace in their communities. It also contributed in establishing and institutionalizing structures at the provincial level to help address the key peacebuilding challenges.

To ensure compliance with the guidelines of the recently launched UNDP Evaluation Guidelines[1], the evaluation will be conducted by engaging an Independent consultant (an International).


[1] 1 http://web.undp.org/evaluation/guidance.shtml#handbook