11532-2022 National Systems Change Facilitation Specialist for Brazil soy and beef sectors

Link to Atlas Project

00114612 - Cuarta Comunicacion Cambio Clima


11532-2022 Notice
11532-2022 ANNEX I TORs
11532-2022 ANNEX II
11532-2022 ANNEX III
11532-2022 Amendment 1
11532-2022 Amendment 2
11532-2022 Amendment 3
11532-2022 Amendment 4
11532-2022 Amendment 5


Dear Messrs/Mmes.,

We would like to invite you to submit your proposals for the following:


Description of the assignment: National Systems Change Facilitation Specialist for Brazil soy and beef sectors


Project name: 128105 Green Commodities Programme - SECO Scoping Assessment –


Type of Contract: Individual Contract


Duty Station: Home based - Brazil


Proposal should be submitted at the following email procurement.rblac.regionalhub@undp.org  no later than March 18th, 2022 by 23.59 GMT-5 Time of the Republic of Panama.


Any request for clarification must be sent in writing no later than 3 working days before the deadline, or by standard electronic communication to the e-mail indicated above. The responses are going to be published onto the website.


Note:  Please make sure to identify your proposals with the number 11532-2022, if your proposal do not have this number might not be considered for evaluation.


We look forward to receiving your proposals by the deadline.



Procurement RBLAC