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Call for Proposals for PNG Anti-Corruption Project Small Grants to Support Anti-Corruption Efforts of Non-State Actors 2022, Papua New Guinea
Procurement Process :CP-QB-FBS - Call for Proposal – Quality Based Fixed Budget
Office :UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office - PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Deadline :25-May-22
Posted on :08-Apr-22
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :89953
Link to Atlas Projects :
00130660 - Anti-Corruption [EU]
00130707 - PNG Anti-corruption Project
Documents :
Annex A. Project Application Form for Small Grants
Terms of Reference for Call for Proposal Small Grants
Overview :

Call for Proposals for PNG Anti-Corruption Project Small Grants for Non-State Actors to support their Anti-corruption Efforts (2022)


The Project "Preventing and Countering Corruption in Papua New Guinea” (PNG Anti-Corruption Project) implemented jointly by UNDP and UNODC and funded by the EU aims to strengthen the Government’s commitment and capacity to address corruption in line with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) to effectively promote the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of all Papua New Guineans.

The project aims to support the National Anti-Corruption Plan of Action 2020-2025 to implement Papua New Guinea’s National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2010-2030. The key project partners are the Government of Papua New Guinea, key national institutions, civil society, and communities.

The Project is being delivered with the following four outcomes:


  1. Outcome 1: NACPA progressively implemented and monitored, including through the law reform.
  2. Outcome 2: ICAC established and operational in accordance with UNCAC recommendations, standards and good practices.
  3. Outcome 3: Capacities of key institutional anti-corruption partners to fight against corruption enhanced.
  4. Outcome 4: Network of community stakeholders in support of anti-corruption efforts mobilized.


The Call for Proposals for Small Grants for the Non-State Actors is a component of the projects’ Outcome 4 (Network of community stakeholders in support of anti-corruption efforts mobilized – Output 4.2).


To contribute to achieving the objectives, the UNDP launches the Small Grants Scheme for the Non-state Actors to invest in innovative, local-level activities by local groups who want to work on anti-corruption initiatives and efforts in their communities. The PNG Anti-Corruption project hopes that by introducing the small grants scheme, it will be able to increase its involvement with civil society in PNG, both to build their capacity and to initiate anti-corruption dialogue with the Government and public.

Areas of Intervention

Non-State Actors are encouraged to apply if they can demonstrate that they have experience in implementing activities and that the proposed project contributes to the following areas:

  • General anti-corruption awareness, knowledge advocacy activities/communications products and events with focus on PNG including the provinces;


  • Awareness focused on the roles and responsibilities of the key anti-corruption institutions in Papua New Guinea, including but not limited to the PNG Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC);


  • Education/knowledge products and activities focused on anti-corruption legislative and institutional framework in PNG;


  • Awareness and advocacy activities related to Whistleblower Protection and Whistleblower Act; 


  • Awareness and advocacy activities related to the anti-corruption in most vulnerable sectors (i.e., impact of corruption on climate change; role of investigative journalism and independent media; corruption clean public sector; corruption in health or education sectors; gender and corruption, Gender Based Violence and Corruption, etc.);


  • Activities such as surveys or research focused on experience and/or perception of corruption amongst citizens (i.e., Focus Group Discussions, round tables, smaller pilot surveys in selected sectors, e.g., in school, hospitals, private sector, CSOs, etc.);


  • Awareness and advocacy that aim to raise awareness about the freedom of information measures and legislation to increase Government accountability and transparency;


  • Awareness/advocacy activities about corruption in the private sector in any form, including tax-evasion schemes in specific sectors/regions or by specific groups;


  • Awareness and education related activities and products that promote the role of CSOs, media, private sector, youth in anti-corruption.


Grant amount: Maximum amount allocated for any grant is USD 7,588. The total available funds for the 2022 grant cycle are USD 68,300, and grants will be awarded up to nine (9) organizations. Proposals with the project staff salary costs cannot exceed 20% of the total budget as they will be rejected disqualified without further consideration.

Eligible costs include honorarium/salary, workshops and trainings, rental, stationery and office equipment, printing and translation, creation of online tools and resources, and other costs directly related to this assignment. Expenditures such as the infrastructure improvement, equipment, maintenance, utilities, overhead and similar costs are ineligible for this grant proposal.

Who can apply?

  • Registered Not-for-Profit Organizations NGOs, Media Organizations that work on Anti-Corruption, Governance/Accountability/Human Rights;
  • Chambers of Commerce or similar organizations.
  • Youth networks, community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations (FBOs) in partnership with an existing registered not-for-profit organization. A letter to confirm support/partnership should also be included in the submission process.


The PNG Anti-Corruption Project Small Grant Scheme will take on the following process:

  1. Submission of proposals using the attached template 
  2. Selection of CSOs with feasible ideas for implementation
  3. Test-Refine: Over the roll out grant period, selected CSOs working with the UNDP Anti-Corruption project team will go through a co-design process to further build on the ideas articulated in their proposals  
  4. Implementation of project activities
  5. Results Reporting
  6. Results documentation and learning

Required documentation:

  1. Signed PNG Anti-Corruption Project Small Grants 2022 Submission Form (See Annex A attached);
  2. CVs of lead implementing staff;
  3. A copy of the Certificate of Registration of a Legal Entity in the Investment Promotion Authority of PNG for NGOs, CSOs, Media, and Chambers of Commerce and similar organizations, or a letter to confirm support/partnership with the registered non-profit organizations for youth networks, community-based organizations (CBO) and faith-based organizations (FBOs).


IMPORTANT: Please send the proposal and other required signed and scanned documentation in one file (PDF format) in electronic form to the following email address: Applicants will receive a reply within three working days.


Deadline for applications for the grant awards is 25 May 2022, 17:00 PNG time. All activities implemented must be completed by December 20, 2022.

Project Implementation Timeframe

The implementation period for approved projects with no possibility to be extended beyond December 31, 2022, shall not exceed six (6) months, counted from the date of the contract signature to the date when all relevant activities have been successfully completed.

Selection Process

UNDP will review the proposals through a five-step process:

(i) Confirmation of eligibility

 (ii) Technical review of eligible proposals

 (iii) Scoring and ranking of the eligible proposals based on the assessment criteria outlined in table 1 below, proposals awarded more than 70 points will be selected for the next stage of the process

(iv) Round of clarification and negotiations with selected proposals (if necessary to adjust funding and workplan), and

(v) Signature of grant agreement.

Decisions on awarding grants are made by a UNDP PNG Grants Committee (GC), chaired by the Head of Programme Support Unit (PSU), Assistant Resident Representative (ARR), Operations Manager, member of staff and Project Staff Member as a Secretary or their substitutes.

All GC decisions on funding projects will be taken no later than three weeks after the closing date for applications. Successful applicants will be notified in writing no later than two weeks after the date of the GSC decision.


No further consideration will be given to grant applications if they:

  • Are not compliant with the guidelines.
  • Are not consistent with the relevant policy documents of UNDP and the PNG Anti-Corruption project.
  • Contradict the principles of non-discrimination and gender equality.


Selection Criteria and Scoring

Proposed projects will be selected based on the criteria outlined in the table 1 below.

Table 1. Selection Criteria and Scoring


Selection Criteria



The project clearly how it will support the goals of the PNG Anti-Corruption Project Small Grant Scheme

Max. 30 points


The budget is relevant to the project.

Max. 20 points


The project is coherent and technically feasible

Max. 20 points


The project is sustainable

Max. 10 points


The project enhances gender equality and encourages inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups

Max. 10 points


The project has strong potential for success

Max. 10 points


100 Points


Grants will be awarded based on a proposal and the nature and relevance of the project. The payment schedule will be agreed before signing the contract.

IMPORTANT: Upon submission of applications, an email notification will be sent to all applicants no later than three working days after the receipt of submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of receipt within this timeframe, please contact us in the next two days and request a confirmation email.

Attached documents

Call for Proposals (full TOR)

Annex A. Project Application Form for Small Grants