International Consultancy Service as Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) for Enhancing integrated natural resource management for the restoration of wetland ecosystems and support to alternative livelihoods development of local communities” Project

Link to Atlas Projects

00120072 - Natural resource management and livelihood dev. in Hamun
00128285 - Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project Phase 3


Request for Proposal Package
Word Format of Returnable Bidding Forms


Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Description of the assignment: The objectives of the evaluation are to enhance integrated natural resource management for the restoration of wetland ecosystems and provision of support to alternative livelihoods development of local communities.
Period of assignment/services: The consultant is expected to complete the assignment starting from Early June 2022 till End June 2024.
Proposal should be submitted to the below email address no later than Monday 23 May 2022 – 16:30 P.M Tehran local time.
Please note that the subject of your submission email should be ONLY:
Using any other subject for your email will result in disqualification of your proposal by UNDP automated emailing system.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the UNDP mailing address or to The procuring UNDP entity will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail.