MARXAN Expert to Support the JMA Demonstration Project Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

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00087614 - Joint Management Area Demonstration Project (MUS & SEY)


Annex A - Letter of confirmation of interest and availability and Submission of financial proposal
Annex B - Model Contact IC
Annex D - P11
Terms of Reference


Consultancy services for Internationational MARXAN Expert to Support the JMA Demonstration Project Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) phase II process,


On 30 March 2011, the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) adopted recommendations confirming the outer limits of the continental shelf of the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of the Seychelles beyond 200 nautical miles in the Mascarene Plateau region. Subsequently, in March 2012 the two coastal States agreed, through the adoption of a bilateral Treaty instrument, to the creation of a Joint Management Area (JMA) where the two States will exercise sovereign rights jointly for the purpose of exploring the continental shelf and exploiting its natural resources (the Joint Zone Treaty).2 A further bilateral Treaty instrument was also signed which details the administrative and management functions, powers and duties for the JMA (the JMA Management Treaty).3

 Objective of the Assignment

While Mauritius and Seychelles exercise joint sovereign rights over the continental shelf, for the purposes of exploring and exploiting its natural resources, these rights do not extend to or affect the legal status of the superjacent waters. These jurisdictional limitations have implications for the scope, content and application of any spatial management framework for the JMA. It is important, therefore, that the spatial management framework recognises these jurisdictional limitations and that all parties fully understand the extent of their rights and obligations under the developing planning framework.

The Strategic MSP Roadmap, developed during Phase 1 of the JMA Demonstration Project and adopted by the Project Steering Committee in November 2019, recognizes that ocean zoning is one of the key tools with which MSP seeks to manage and where appropriate separate human activities, and is based on knowledge of the distribution of ocean characteristics and the spatial distribution of all human activities.

For zoning to work well, there needs to be a number of different ocean zones. Each ocean zone will need its own clearly defined objectives and rules governing which human activities are allowed and not allowed. Each zone should also support, in some way, the vision and objectives of the MSP. To this end, a draft zoning framework was developed during Phase 1 of the project. This was reviewed by participants at the Scenario Planning Workshop and amended based on discussions and feedback.


This assignment is for duration of 30 person-days, to be spread over four months.

Submission of Application

Applications should be sent through  email : on or before Wednesday 24 August 2022 - 16:00 hours Mauritius time (GMT+4)

Annex A - Letter of confirmation of interest and availability and Submission of financial proposal
Annex B - Model Contact IC
Annex D - P11
Terms of Reference