Youth Consultant

Link to Atlas Project

00121738 - Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources-PBF 3


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UNDP in partnership with World Vision International (WVI) and Development Service Exchange (DSE) is implementing a project funded by Peacebuilding Fund called the “Bridging traditional governance and rule of law through youths’ participation as agents of peace and change in Rennell and Bellona” with the core objective of that young women and young men in Rennell and Bellona are empowered as agent of change through the recognition of their traditional role in conflict resolution and their participation in the identification of innovative locally owned solutions for the sustainable management of communal land, bridging traditional governance and statutory system.

The Project has 3 interlinked outcomes aimed at: (i) strengthening the traditional role of young men and women in conflict resolution as agents of peace, through bridging inter-generational gaps on traditional knowledge; (ii) strengthening youth’s participation in developing innovative and locally owned solutions for the management of land and natural resources through their engagement in the decision-making process in their communities and (iii) empowering local communities to manage and transform land use conflicts through inclusive dialogue fora and by adapting traditional conflict resolutions tools to new situations. 

Under Outcome 1, through the project, youth caucuses and the Provincial Youth Council (PYC) will be established and revitalised building on the work of the EYAPSCSI and IGNR projectsrespectively and will be linked to the National Youth Congress (NYC) to ensure the coordination and sustainability and increase impact. The establishment of these platform for youth engagement will be supported by activities to improve the capacity of marginalized young people, particularly women, to engage with their communities and with provincial, national, and private sector leaders in a meaningful dialogue. 

As a follow-up to the capacity building initiatives held in 2022 for youth caucuses and the RenBel PYC, UNDP is seeking to recruit a youth consultant who will be engaged from time to time to support certain aspects of the planned capacity building program for young people, support the finalisation of written declarations for caucuses and PYC and pilot the tok-stori approach as a platform for intergeneration dialogue and transmission of knowledge in the province.