Customary Land Recorder & Byelaw development Consultant

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00121738 - Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources-PBF 3


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UNDP in partnership with World Vision International (WVI) and Development Service Exchange (DSE) is implementing a project funded by Peacebuilding Fund called the “Bridging traditional governance and rule of law through youths’ participation as agents of peace and change in Rennell and Bellona” with the core objective of that young women and young men in Rennell and Bellona are empowered as agents of change through the recognition of their traditional role in conflict resolution and their participation in the identification of innovative locally owned solutions for the sustainable management of communal land, bridging traditional governance and statutory system.

The Project has 3 interlinked outcomes aimed at: (i) strengthening the traditional role of young men and women in conflict resolution as agents of peace, through bridging inter-generational gaps on traditional knowledge; (ii) strengthening youth’s participation in developing innovative and locally owned solutions for the management of land and natural resources through their engagement in the decision-making process in their communities and (iii) empowering local communities to manage and transform land use conflicts through inclusive dialogue fora and by adapting traditional conflict resolutions tools to new situations. 

Through the project, UNDP and its partners, working closely with Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey, will be supporting the Ministry to facilitate the Customary Land Recording Process under the Customary Land Records Act in selected communities in the Renell and Bellona Province. In addition to the land recording process, the consultant will also support the land holding groups to develop and submit as part of the customary land recording process, byelaws which define standards and principles for equitable governance of the land holding group.

The Customary Land Recording Process is another process apart from the acquisition process under the Land and Titles Act (LTA) which seeks to record the rights of relevant customary landholdng groups and their customary land. This process thus requires the service of a consultant to assist the National Recorder fulfil the provisions of the Act. The consultant is one of the key facilitators in this recording process by way of Recording, Gathering and Compiling of information from the customary landholding group. Recording shall be done in the area where the land is situated and all records will be kept by the Central Land Records Office.

Building on lessons learned by previous PBF projects in Solomon Islands on customary land recordation, and through the engagement with youth caucuses and traditional leaders, the current PBF project plans to support youth participation in the customary rights holding groups and in the development of by-laws for the management of their communal land. In particular, byelaw will highlight the role of youth and women in the decision-making process on the management of the land and natural resources in their communities

The endorsement of by-laws at provincial and national level by the Customary Land Reform Division (Tribal Land Recording Unit) within the Ministry of Land and Housing and Survey, will lay the groundwork for social and cultural change in the country, while supporting the peaceful and sustainable governance of land, resources and territories thereby reducing risks of fragility to create a positive and sustainable peace.

The main objectives of the consultancy is to:

  • carry out recording of  customary land of customary landholding group/groups who have primary and or seconday rights in or over identified customary landin the Rennell and Bellona Province.
  • support the land holding groups to develop and submit as part of the customary land recording process, byelaws which define standards and principles for equitable governance of the land holding group.