RSC/EOI/2016/01 - Undertaking Research project(s) under the UNDP Regional and Multi-country Programme on Preventing and Responding to Violent Extremism in Africa (Re-advertised)

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RSC/EOI/2016/01 - Terms of Reference - English Version
RSC/EOI/2016/01 - Terms of Reference - French Version
RSC/EOI/2016/01 - EOI Submission Form



The growth of violent extremism is an imminent threat to peace, stability and development. Absolutist ideologies that reject co-existence, tolerance and progress represent an existential threat to many countries. Such ideologies have found recruits especially amongst youth who believe they have been failed by the state and excluded from legitimate political and economic processes. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as the leading development agency in the United Nations System has sought to understand the drivers of radicalization, its manifestations at the national and regional level and how government, communities and citizens can be supported to respond which ensures the protection and promotion of human rights.

With this in mind, UNDP has developed a four (4) year regional project anchored in the Regional Programme based on an extensive consultation process with the African Union, Regional Economic Communities (including IGAD and ECOWAS), bilateral partners, CSOs including faith based institutions, academia/research institutions, media organizations, African governments and the wider UN family. The project articulates a development response and addresses structural, causative or perpetuating factors. The initiatives focuses on twelve (12) countries including: countries at the epicenter of the crisis (Mali, Nigeria and Somalia); neighboring countries affected by violent extremism (Cameroon, Chad, Kenya, Mauritania and Niger), and countries at risk (CAR, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda). The initiative promotes a regional approach given cross border and sub-regional dynamics demanding a coordinated regional approach.

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Concretely for this Expression of Interest (EOI), UNDP is looking for research institutions with documented expertise and research capacity to conduct high quality research in the areas outlined below:

  1. The role of African women in prevention and responses to violent extremism. This include identifying the current role of women as well as their potential role in countering extremism.
  2. The impact of violent extremism on women and girls in particular, including an analysis of how women and girls are recruited into violent extremist groups in one or more of the 12 focus countries. 
  3. The economic cost of violent extremism in Africa including an analysis of how it contributes to the development deficit.
  4. Any other relevant research topic that will strengthen our insight and understanding of the nature of violent extremism, including the causality, drivers, enablers and emerging trends in Africa.

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List of attributes



Renewed license and/or registration certificate  with Articles of Incorporation (if any) to testify legally  recognized research institution

Documentation of legal registration of institution


Company Profile, which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including printed brochures relevant to the consultancy service is being sought 

As per the EOI Submission Form general guidance


Minimum of five years proven track record of high quality research that meets international standards

Published research articles, papers and books in internationally recognized research magazines and publishers


Documented expertise and research capacity in the area of violent extremism

Senior academic researchers affiliated to the research institution with proven track record on published research in violent extremism


Documented expertise and research capacity in Africa and gender

Senior academic researchers affiliated to the research institution with proven track record on published research in African development and politics


Extensive experience in primary research i.e. surveys, direct interviews etc.



Research institutions based in Africa or those who have partnerships with institutions in Africa are encouraged to apply.



Research institution strong financial standing to exhibit its ability to undertake the project successfully

Document past Two Years Audited Financial Statements or its equivalent


  • Strictly follow the instructions indicated in the EOI Submission Form (just as a guideline) uploaded hereto



The Expression of Interest (EOI) shall be submitted before submission deadline September 1, 2016 via UNDP Ethiopia Secured mail address:

  • Expression of Interest (EOI) in pdf under file name: RSC-EOI-2016-01 – EOI - [insert Orgainzation Name]

Please note that the EOI shall be submitted to the designated secured in email unless both Files are Greater than 9MB file size. In case the file size is greater than 9MB, separate email can be sent by referring attachment 1, 2, 3, . . .