BBRSO28796: Chief Technical Advisor - Ridge to Reef

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00082951 - Ridge to Reef Grenada


Procurement Notice
IC General Conditions
Offeror's Letter
Financial Proposal
Sample Individual Contract




To apply, interested persons should upload the combined 1 Technical Proposal (if applicable) and CV to “UNDP Jobs” by navigating to the link below and clicking “APPLY NOW”, no later than the date indicated on the “UNDP Jobs” website. Application submitted via email will not be accepted: -

UNDP Job Site –          

NOTE: The Financial Proposal should not be uploaded to “UNDP Jobs”.

If requested by the Procurement Unit, the Financial Proposal should be submitted to within 24 hours of a request. Failure to submit the Financial Proposal will result in disqualification.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing to prior to the application deadline date, ensuring that the reference number above is included in the subject line. The UNDP Barbados & the OECS Procurement Unit will post the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to: -

A detailed Procurement Notice and all annexes can be found by clicking the above link.

1 – The system allows the upload of one (1) document ONLY – should you be required to submit a technical proposal and CV, these documents should be combined and uploaded as one.



The landscapes of Grenada, once heavily covered with forested species especially in upper altitudes are now being increasingly threatened by encroaching agriculture, housing and other urban developments. Special features of the Grenada landscapes and seascapes include: low lying landscapes, small outer islands and an island shelf to the north and south of mainland Grenada. These outer islands are considerably less mountainous than the central part of the main island and notable for their white sand beaches generated by coral reef derivatives. They are also noted for being relatively dry when compared with the mountainous areas of the main island; the local area biodiversity distinctly reflects the wetter or drier environments.


The three coastal habitats that are important for maintaining Grenada’s nearshore fishery are the mangrove swamps, seagrass beds and coral reefs. Mangrove ecosystems provide substrate for marine organisms, feeding and breeding, foraging, and refuge areas for many commercial species and act as nurseries for their offspring. A very good example of mangrove vegetation exists at Levera Pond, St. Patrick and at Harvey Vale Carriacou. Other areas include Conference/ Pearls area and the bays between St. David and Prickly Bay on the south coast of the island. The main species of mangrove include red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and button-wood (Conocarpus erectus). Seagrass beds act as a transition point and ecosystem energy bridge between mangrove communities and the reef system and fishing grounds. Marine turtles e.g. Atlantic green turtles, depend on healthy sea grass communities as a source of food. Coral reefs provide excellent shelter for some resident and transient species (to offshore fishing grounds) as well as substrate for algae and other organisms which form part of a rather complex food web.


The Ridge to Reef project will provide multiple global and local benefits by strengthening land, forest and reef management processes (ecosystems functions) and biodiversity conservation on all terrestrial landscapes and marine and seascapes in Grenada, especially within and around marine and terrestrial protected areas. This will be achieved through a multi-focal strategy having a “Ridge to Reef” approach that increases protected areas’ management effectiveness and applies targeted land management practices to include:

  • Development of a policy-based legal, planning and institutional /regulatory framework in support of a sustainably managed network of Terrestrial Protected Areas (TPAs) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs);
  • Development and management of landscapes and seascapes by adopting the approach of integrating sustainable land management (SLM) and sustainable forest management (SFM)/REDD+ principles and practices as a matter of public policy (integrated approach for managing forest ecosystems, protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity, prevention of land/sea degradation, and integration of people’s livelihood objectives within the management of forest and marine eco-systems.); and

By piloting SFM/REDD+ and SLM practices in the Annandale/Beausejour watershed to improve Carbon stocks, reducing deforestation, reducing susceptibility to drought (and forest fires) and consequent land degradation that would impact downstream landscapes and seascapes.