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ITB 30/2017 - Sewage network (LOT 1) and Wastewater treatment plant (LOT 2) in the village of Edrenikovo, Municipality of Vasilevo
Procurement Process :ITB - Invitation to bid
Office :UNDP Country Office - Republic of North Macedonia
Deadline :22-Sep-17
Posted on :28-Aug-17
Reference Number :40440
Link to Atlas Project :
00079273 - Restoration of Strumica River Basin
Documents :
ITB 30-2017 - LOT 1 -Technical specification - Sewage Network
ITB 30-2017 - LOT 2 -Technical Specification - Wastewater treatment Plant
ITB 30-2017 - BoQ - LOT 2 WWTP Edrenikovo - MK
Drawings LOT 1 - Crtezi Edrenikovo_Kanalizacija
Drawings LOT 2 - Crtezi Edrenikovo_PSOV Elektrika
Dawings LOT 2 - Crtezi Edrenikovo_PSOV Gradezen del - PART 1
Dawings LOT 2 - Crtezi Edrenikovo_PSOV Gradezen del-2 - PART 2
Dawings LOT 2 - Crtezi Edrenikovo_PSOV Gradezen del - PART 3
Q and A No. 1 - ITB 30/2017
ITB 30-2017 - BoQ - LOT 2 WWTP Edrenikovo - EN
ITB 30-2017 - LOT 1 -Technical specification - Sewage Network - EN
ITB 30-2017 - LOT 2 -Technical Specification - Wastewater treatment Plant - EN
ITB 30-2017 - Sewage network and WWT plant in the village of Edrenikovo (LOT 1 and 2) - EXTENDED DEADLINE
ITB 30-2017 - BoQ - LOT 1 Sewage Network - REVISED MK
ITB 30-2017 - BoQ - LOT 1 Sewage Network - REVISED EN
Overview :


Please make note that the excel sheets Manhole h=1,5   Manhole h=2,0 and Manhole h= 2,5 in the BoQ of LOT 1 are to calculate the total cost for 1 manhole.

The estimated cost will be than used as a lump sum in the BOQ under part IV Network facilities, item 4,1 to calculate the cost as per the required numbers of manholes.



Ве посочуваме да обрнете внимание дека Ексел листовите Шахта h=1,5   Шахта h=2,0   и Шахта h=2,5  во предмерот од ЛОТ 1 служат за оформување на вкупна цена на чинење за 1 шахта.

Добиената вкупна цена потоа ке се употреби во предмерот во делот 4 Објекти на мрежа, позијија 4.1 за да се пресмета цената според бројот на потребни шахти.


ITB 30/2017

Sewage network (LOT 1) and Wastewater treatment plant (LOT 2) in the village of Edrenikovo, Municipality of Vasilevo

The 00097168 - Restoration of Strumica River Basin hereby invites you to submit a Bid in MKD, VAT excluded to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 AT 10.00 AM.

Presence of the Bidders at the Pre-tender meeting is welcome on 4th SEPTEMBER 2017 at 10.00 at UNDP CO Skopje premises

Public opening of all bids will take place on 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 AT 10.00. AM at the UNDP Skopje premises.

Interested Bidders may participate at the Public opening.

This ITB includes the following documents:

Section 1 – This Letter of Invitation

Section 2 –  Instructions to Bidders (including Data Sheet)

Section 3 –  Schedule of Requirements

Section 4 –  Bid Submission Form

Section 5 –  Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder

Section 6 –  Technical Bid Form

Section 7 –  Price Schedule Form – Bill of Quantities

Section 8 –  Technical Specification / Опис на техничкото решение

Section 9 –  Performance Security Form

Section 10 - Financial Capability Situation Form

Section 11 – Sample Bank Letter for access to credit line

Section 12 – Bid Security Form

Section 13 – General Conditions of Contracts for Civil Works

Section 14 – Model of Contract for Civil Works

Section 15  – Drawings (available in separate pdf files)

Your offer, comprising of a Technical Bid and Price Schedule, together in a sealed envelope, should be submitted in accordance with Section 2.

You are kindly requested to submit an acknowledgment letter to UNDP to the following address:

ITB 30/2017 Sewage network and Waterwater treatment plant and in Edrenikovo
(LOT 1 and LOT 2)

Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov Dzinot 23, 1000 Skopje