BRFQ65696A - Construction of Community-Based Climate Resilient Infrastructure - Dickie Village, Mesopotamia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

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00088096 - Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership


Etendering Instructions
Solicitation Document


Caribbean countries share similar economic and sustainable development challenges, including a small population, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, and most importantly, vulnerability to climate change. Given the current condition of the marine environment, most coastal areas have few defences against the raging surfs of hurricanes and tropical storms, and the likely consequences would be significant coastal damage including beach erosion and infrastructure damage. Negative impacts associated to climate change on land, water resources and biodiversity have also been predicted, and ultimately, tourism and agriculture will be negatively impacted by these changes. Meanwhile, Caribbean countries emit such relatively small amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, which mean that they will suffer disproportionately from the impacts of climate change.


The Government of Japan has been one of leading donors in the target of climate change. Japan has delivered development assistance total of $17.6 billion to vulnerable countries from October 2009 to December 2012 for mitigation and adaptation. The Government of Japan intends to continue its assistance in this area to create enabling environment with a view to formulate a new framework applicable to all Parties by COP 21 in 2015. Especially, the Government of Japan sees it important to assist Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), and in this context, is interested in establishing a new regional assistance programme for Caribbean and/or CARICOM in the area of climate change under the framework of the Partnership for Peace, Development and Prosperity between Japan and the Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)1.


The Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership aims to support the implementation of actual technology that is both low-emission and advances climate risk management, including demonstration in the target countries. To this end, eight demonstration projects are planned for St. Vincent and the Grenadines which are tailored to meet the specific needs and vulnerabilities with local communities. Specifically, the required services will support one approved pilot initiative with a climate resilience focus through the implementation of community-based climate resilient infrastructure towards slope stabilisation and road improvement in Dickies Village, Mespotamia.