Call for Proposals for INGOs and NGOs Under the UNDP project “Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan

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Non-UNDP Project


Call for proposals -UNDP project “Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan
Annex I- Terms of Reference- TOR
Annex II - Request For Information (RFI)


Note: Deadline extended to 28 March 2021


UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, drive and sustain inclusive economic growth to improve the quality of life for everyone. On the ground, in 177 countries and territories, UNDP converts global perspective and local insight towards helping to empower lives and build resilient nations.


Inclusive economic growth continues to be an important thematic area for Jordan’s Country Programme that aims at addressing vulnerabilities at individual, community, local authority and national institutional levels by supporting initiatives that foster an inclusive enabling environment for livelihoods and job creation for all, especially among vulnerable Jordanian and Syrian refugees youth and women in crisis-affected areas.

The further evolving impact of COVID-19 crisis in Jordan has deepened a sense of urgency to tackle the root causes of socio-economic fragility by promoting resilience through systems strengthening, enabling self-reliance among refugees and vulnerable Jordanians and signifies the importance of ‘resilience’ as core to programming.

The programme seeks to provide resilience-based development solutions for local economic recovery, including green economy opportunities and enabling equitable access to financial service solutions to ensure no one is left behind. The core of its programme strategy embraces a mid- to long-term approach to self -reliance for all including refugees.


This assignment specifically related to the UNDP’s project “Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan” which aims to improving the socio-economic empowerment, well-being and stability of rural women in Northern Jordan, especially in the Solid Waste Management (SWM) sector.


This Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to the UNDP “Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan” project.