Firm to Conduct End of Project Evaluation of SEPU

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The Strengthening Electoral Processes in Uganda (SEPU) project was formulated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in close collaboration and partnership with the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office (UN RCO), United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other electoral stakeholders. The project was in response to a request from the Government of Uganda for electoral support and the March 2019 recommendation of the United Nations (UN) Electoral Needs Assessment Mission for the UN to support the 2020/2021 elections in Uganda.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Strengthening Electoral Processes in Uganda (SEPU) Project’s basket fund, provides financial resources towards completion of planned activities. The support is delivered through working in partnership with key government and non -government actors.  In addition, for greater impact, this project, in its implementation, tapped into the comparative advantages of various UN agencies, including UN RCO, UN Women, OHCR, UNESCO, and leveraged on their programmatic strengths under the UN principle of Delivering as One (DaO). UNDP is the lead implementing agency of SEPU. The project received US$ 6,804,257.61 from the financial contribution of Norway, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland.

The overall goal of the project is to improve the capacity and credibility of key institutions with an electoral mandate to promote credible elections in 2020/2021 and beyond. This effort significantly contributes to Uganda’s Vision of becoming a secure and prosperous middle-income country by 2040. In 2022, there was a government recommendation to focus on the Women Council and Committee Elections (WCCE)

The proposed project interventions are centered on three thematic outputs, which include:

            1) Strengthened inclusion and Transparency of the electoral process

            2) Enhanced Institutional capacity for the Electoral Commission (EC) and other   electoral stakeholders

         3) Effective and Efficient management, partner formation, research, monitoring and evaluation of the women’s elections.

The interventions targeted the EC and other electoral stakeholders through both short term and long-term institutional capacity building measures, including embedded technical assistance, and conflict mitigation measures such as multi-stakeholder dialogue and early warning mechanisms. 

The project seeks to contribute to UNDP CPD outcome on “Strengthened technical and functional capacities of institutions of democracy for enhancing equal participation, accountability, rule of law and access to justice. In addition, the project seeks to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on developing effective, accountable, and transparent institutions and SDG 5 on ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making processes. Further, the project seeks to achieve the UNDP Strategic Plan Signature Solutions 2 & 6: i.e., Strengthening effective, inclusive and accountable governance systems and processes” and “strengthening gender equality and the empowerment of women respectively.

Overall, the purpose of the terminal evaluation (TE) is to review/assess the programme design and strategy, as well as the achievement of the programme objectives and outcomes as specified in the SEPU Programme Document, assess signs of success and/or failure including risks to sustainability so as to inform future programming. The goal is to identify and recommend the changes if any, to future programming. 

Specifically, this is two-fold:

(i.    To assess the extent to which the SEPU planned results were achieved and the effectiveness of the strategies and interventions - Accountability to stakeholders.

(ii.   To examine in the context of SEPU document; what worked and what needed to be improved; what didn’t work and needed to be adjusted or dropped; and what missed (emerged issues)– Learning.

The overall objective of the End-of-Project Evaluation is to assess the progress made by SEPU and provide recommendations for improving the capacity and credibility of key institutions with an electoral mandate to promote credible programming on elections for UNDP and other UN agencies.

The specific objectives of the TE are:

(i.    To assess the contributions made to date/expected contributions by UNDP in the framework of SEPU document to national development results and the SDGs and the principle of leaving no one behind (LNOB).

(ii.   To examine the factors affecting UNDP’s contribution (enabling factors and bottlenecks) and review emerging contextual challenges and opportunities that affected

(iii. SEPU implementation.

(iv. To generate actionable recommendations for improving the UNDP's contribution, especially to informing future programming.

The TE will cover the planned years of its implementation, starting from February 2020 - August 2023.

The theory of change underpinning the SEPU project will be reviewed to assess whether it was valid. The extent of the integration of CPD programming principles, as well as SDGs will be assessed. The evaluation will also assess the effectiveness of the coordination arrangements and Delivering as One (DaO) modalities in achieving SEPU results. This evaluation will be informed by the UNSDCF annual reviews among others. The TE will further examine the flexibility and dynamism of the SEPU project document, or mechanisms, to incorporate emerging issues and make necessary recommendations. 

Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as instructed in the solicitation document, following the instructions in the available user guide. n case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in the guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.


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Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)