Development of the Investment-led Strategy & Roadmap for the Philippines' NDC
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
13-Oct-23 @ 11:59 PM (New York time)
Published on
29-Sep-23 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Procurement Unit -
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Country: Philippines
Description of the Assignment:
At the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015, country Parties adopted the Paris Agreement that sets out a global action plan for limiting global warming to “well below 2°C starting from 2020. The Agreement, which entered into force in the Philippines on 04 November 2016, built upon the foundation of climate pledges from 187 countries known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Countries are expected to submit updated and more ambitious NDCs every five (5) years, which will become the main vehicle for illustrating their strategic vision on climate change in the context of sustainable development.
The UNDP NDC Support Programme supports governments to achieve transformational change by using the NDC implementation as a mechanism to scale up investment in climate change and deliver sustainable development. The Programme will be implemented in the country as “NDC Support Project for the Philippines (NSPP)”.
It is in this context that the NSPP requires the services of a Climate Change Decarbonization Investment Expert referred herein as “Consultant” to assist the CCC in the development of the Investment-led Strategy Roadmap for the NDC of the Philippines.
- Objectives and Scope of Work
The Consultant is expected to undertake, at the very least, the following major tasks:
- Review of NDC Policies and Measures for Forestry and Waste Sector
● Review NDC Policies and Measures relating to forestry and waste sectors with the lens of how these policies can drive private sector investments in nature-based solutions such as carbon forestry, bio waste to fuel, among others.
● Evaluate existing mitigation actions in the forestry and waste sector particularly on the cost-benefit analysis and mitigation potential of these mitigation actions considering recent developments in these investment areas such as the increasing price of carbon credits.
● Identify gaps and opportunities with the existing policies and measures vis-a-vis the enabling policies needed to address the barriers to private sector investment.
2. Develop an Investment Strategy and Roadmap for NDC for Forestry and Waste Sectors.
o Identify the most strategic investment areas among the long list of mitigation options per sector that delivers the biggest abatement potential and the highest economic value for the country and its people.
o Engage with key private sector players and relevant government agencies to identify decarbonization opportunities that the Private sector can lead.
o Develop a strategy and roadmap focusing on most strategic investment areas for both forestry and waste sectors. Identifying the critical elements needed to accelerate decarbonization of each sector. Conduct sectoral consultations with key technical experts and decision makers to ensure technical and financial viability of these strategies.
o For each sector or investment opportunity, identify key barriers and opportunities to scale. Recommend solutions such as regulations, enabling policies, industry standards, market-based and other mechanisms to address the investment barriers towards accelerating private sector finance into nature-based solutions and decarbonization business opportunities.
o If additional resources are needed, develop a proposal to conduct a more in-depth study and to formulate draft policy instruments and policy recommendations.
o Clearly identify the role of government in the implementation of the strategy and roadmap. Demonstrate how these could accelerate sectoral decarbonization.
Roadmap, Milestones, and Targets:
o Build a roadmap of implementation that clearly identifies the short-, medium-, and long-term priorities based on the inter-dependencies of different mitigation actions to ensure a more streamlined and optimized implementation program. Identify key milestones and targets that will serve as basis for monitoring the progress of implementation.
o Overall Target. Estimate the overall emissions reduction potential based on the investment strategy and roadmap.
Period of assignment/services: 55 working days
Please see attached Terms of Reference for full details of the engagement.
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